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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bryce Taylor,

I looked at my phone rereading the message Olivia sent me on Snap. Even though I forgot to text her Saturday, I did text her this morning because I finally remembered.

I'm honestly just in shock. I can't believe Danny did what he did. I guess it should be easier for me to understand considering he attacked me, all because I said he was being mean to me and Simba for no reason.

"What's wrong?" Simba asked sitting in the bed.

He just got out the shower because I kinda threw up on him. It was honestly an accident, we were play fighting and then next thing you know I just threw up all over him and then floor.

Only reason he isn't at work is because the light snow fall turning into a slight snow storm and it's black ice all over the roads, so his job didn't open up today.

"I'm just texting Olivia."

"Why on snap?" He asked before taking my phone out my hands.

I watched as he read what she sent me. I looked at his many facial expressions and waited for him to pass me my phone back.

I crossed my legs and just grabbed his phone since he was taking forever to give me mine back.

I went to unlock his phone but the password was wrong which made me kick him the side.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at me with concern.

"Why is your password not working?"

"I changed it." He said before getting back in my phone.

I watched as his thumbs moved before kicking him again.

"Why you change it?"

"Too many people knew it." He said before going back to my once again.

I looked at him as he started back doing whatever it is that he was doing.

I went to kick him again but this time he grabbed my foot.

"It's Konnen."

"It's numbers though." I said looking at him.

"I know." He said in a duh tone.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the letters under the numbers.

I typed in all the numbers that technically spells out Konnen. Once his phone unlocked I just had to roll my eyes again.

"You happy now?" He asked standing up with my phone still in his hands.

When I didn't answer him, he just dropped his towel and put his boxers on.

"You so mean." He said getting in the bed.

I still didn't respond to him because honestly my feelings are a little hurt and I'm mad. How he change his password and tell the one person that need to know it, his wife.

"Can I have my phone." I said holding my hand out for my phone.

"I've never heard of that world before. What does it mean?"

"What word?"

"My." He said causing me to roll my eyes again.

Why is he so childish?

"My as in it belongs to me."

"Nah see this is a team thing, ain't no my or mine. It's ours now. This is our phone which means I can keep our phone as long as I want."

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