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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

Me and Simba both got our procedures done last week and it's not fair. He was perfectly fine after but I was in pain. He did take seven days off work for me. Mainly for the kids since I can't pick them up for seven days.

"You gone be okay tomorrow?" He asked climbing in the bed with me.

Since today is last day off he been making things easier on my and making sure I'm getting all the rest I need. He even prepared breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of the week.

"Yes." I said laying on his shoulder.

"Grammy is getting induced Sunday. She said she is tired of being pregnant." I said looking up at him.

"I bet, I can't believe she actually pregnant."

"Yeah I know. Mom is talking to this guy and it's like he's not a bad guy, he is just not my dad."

"I heard and it's gone be okay baby."

"I want her to be happy but not with another man."

"Trust baby I understand. Like I know my mom has dated other guys and kept it from me and Z. I just learned to let it go. I can't hold her back from happiness because I don't want her to move on from my dad."

"So you would be cool with her having another child?"

"What?" He asked sitting up. "You telling me she pregnant? By who? Hell nah." He said getting worked up.

"Stop Simba. I was just asking." I said trying to calm him down.

"Bryce don't say nothing like that. That's not a factor. I don't believe in abortion but the only child I'm claim from my mother is Zakari. Not another one. That's a lost caused. She can get pregnant but I bet you it ain't going to that house and it's not gone be involved with Konnen or Wavy."

"Wait so she can date but not have another child. Can she remarry?" I asked wanting more information.

I didn't know Simba when his dad was alive but I heard how tight their bond was. So I can see why momma told me about her boyfriend and has yet to tell Simba and Zakari. The only part I don't like about her telling me is the fact she made me promise not to tell him. I'm already trying to fix our communication that seem to fail after marriage.

"My mom is dating." He said looking down at me. "Don't lie Bry." He said with all seriousness.

"She told me not to tell you."

"How long?"

"How long have I known or how long have they been together?"


"I found out the day after my surgery. They been dating for almost two years."

He nodded his head and then got out the bed.


"I'm going to check on the kids." He said walking out.

When I heard Mekonnen yelling I knew that meant he got in trouble. But before I could go see what he threw or broke there was a knock at the door.

"Hey." Momma said stepping in as I opened the door. "What you do Bryce?"

"I didn't mean too."

"Didn't mean to what? Why you up? You just had surgery a week ago and you already had scar tissue."

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