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Monday, August 3rd, 2020

Bryce Taylor,

You would think that after three years things between me and Xayvion would have changed. They have but not in the way most people would have thought of. Our communication is still in between but we found that's what works for us. We are still completely attached to each other, that hasn't changed at all. The time we are able to spend with each has changed though because our kids are crazy and needs a lot of attention, mainly from Xayvion like I didn't nearly die in labor with then but oh well. Things have really just been good between us and in life over the last three years. I started back working from home because again the kids are bad but now I'm selling custom wig units online and that's going good and Xayvion's job is going well and so is his health. Everything has really just been great, Mama is engaged to a great man, Momma is single but to her choice and not Xayvion and Zakari's. Speaking of Zakari he just has his daughter about a year ago and he's getting married in January. Dream and Ty are still crazy and still having pregnancy scares, Grammy is pregnant again and she just adopted a little Asian girl last month. 

Things really have been good and the main this is we haven't lost anybody in these three years. Of course Momma lost a few boyfriends but there has not been any deaths dealing with people near us. So it's been pretty good lately, oh course we still miss those who we lost during everything but it actually made us better. Xayvion and Konnen have already started on their little father son project which they won't tell me about but I don't care. Me and Waverly have started on our little mother daughter hobby which is really just baking but it's something.

"You know I'm proud of us." Xayvion said as the kids played in the living room floor. "I mean we are 26 and 25 with two amazing kids, our own home, three cars, careers we are both happy in, we not rich but we happy. You know that's all that really matter. Our kids don't want for anything even though they mean. We have an amazing relationship with our family. We finally was able to get the balance we needed."

"Yes we did. Took us three years but it was worth it. You know I was just thinking about everything yesterday like these last three years. It has been amazing, I didn't think at one point we would be able to get to this. Then it hit me, we really have grown. We not the same 20 and 21 year old that met at that Christmas party. We not the same people who lost their best friends and godchild, we not the same people we were six years ago. I was stuck when I started thinking about things. I met you six years ago in four more years I would have known you a decade. In one more year it would be half a decade that we have been married. It's crazy, who would have though six years ago we would be here. Six years ago if somebody would have told me I was going to meet my soulmate at that party I would have laughed in there face. Like we really been at this for six years now and my feelings haven't change, well maybe just a little. I love you more now then I didn't six years ago and four years ago."

"I'm amazing and I know it baby but I feel you. I was just talking to somebody I work with the other day and he's my age and he was talking about how he loved the club life and he goes clubbing every weekend and how being single is the best and how I was missing out. But I told him that I'm not messing out because I can go to club if I want to and when I want to and we I leave that club I'm not leaving with a girl I don't know but I'm going home to the woman I love. But it made me think, I was never like that about clubs but shit right now life would be different without you and kids."

"See we was about to have a moment but nah you wanted bring up some like would be different without me and the kids. Don't let him put in ideas in your head because that different life gone get your f'd up."

"No need to get upset. You know I would never think about life without you and the kids."

"Better not but listen I was watching this show right and it was like talking about a top three list. So think we should have one."

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