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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

Today it's just me and Konnen. Mom took Mayah with her to go shopping but left Konnen because he was sleep and she didn't want to disturb him because he's like his dad when people mess with his sleep.

"Mayah gone for the rest of the week. It's just the two of us, you dad had a hard work week so he probably just gone be sleep." I said lifting him up from his swing. "What you want to do?" I asked him.

He looked at me and then turned his head.

"Okay, being rude today." I said laying him on my chest while I walked to the kitchen. "What can we have for dinner?" I asked myself.

I looked through the freezer and with everything I said Mekonnen groaned to it.

"Soup." I said but he groaned again. "Why am I talking to you like you are eating it." I said rolling my eyes.

With that he hit and tried to bite me.

"Chicken noodle soup?" I asked.

He didn't make a sound so I looked down only to see his dimples showing clear as day.

"Yeah your dad is who your dad is." I said putting him in the swing.

I'm not about to lie, taking care of one child is easier then two. Don't get me wrong, I love Mayah and I enjoy taking care of her and she will always be my goddaughter. But Obeca is my first child, he came from me and Xayvion so my connection to him is different from my connection with Mayah.

"What up big man." Xayvion said.

I looked at the time and then at Xayvion.

"You got off early today?" I asked and all he did was look at me and pick Mekonnen up.

He's been like this since he we went out to dinner with Momma. He feels like I'm being secretive and he's mad.

"Yeah, everybody finished early." He said sitting at the island. "Dinner?" He said looking at the chicken in the sink.

"Yeah, I can't get a kiss?"

"I can't get the truth?" He said looking me in the eye.

"Y'all not about to do this." Grammy said walking around the corner with mom and momma. "Y'all moms was saying let y'all work this out on your own but from the looks of it. All y'all about to be working out is divorce papers." She said pushing me out the way. "Sit beside your husband." She said as mom took Mekonnen from Xayvion.

"Now we gave y'all time and since y'all can't be adult enough to handle this on your own we are getting involved.

"Where is Mayah?" I asked mom.

The three of them are standing on the opposite side of the island looking at us both with disappointment.

"She is fine. Do not worry about her and stop trying to reflect the conversation."

"We can handle our marriage." Xayvion said causing them all to slap me and him.

"Why did I get hit?" I asked rubbing my face.

"Y'all are married. Y'all are one, there is only five people in this house. Not six but five, the three of us, Obeca, and his parents. Y'all are one but are acting like two different people." Mom said.

"Y'all both have done dumb things in the marriage. Y'all both made major decisions with out each other. So how do y'all decided who being secretive when you both are." Grammy said.

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