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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

What more could I ask for? Both of my kids are healthy, my husband is healthy. Only thing is, my stomach has been on 10 since I had my c-section. For the life of me I don't know what's wrong. I've been doing research and things aren't really giving me nice answers, so I rather just act like it's not happening. Surgery is definitely something I don't want to undergo again.

"Baby." Simba said walking in the room with Mekonnen. "You seen his favorite toy?" He said while Mekonnen whined.

"No he threw it this morning because Waverly grabbed Flash hand."

Mekonnen was having his floor time and I was down there with him while holding Waverly. She reached out and grabbed the Flash hand and Mekonnen tried to hit her and when I wouldn't let him, he threw it.

"He so mean." Xayvion said walking back out the room.

I went back to feeding Waverly and just looked at her as she rolled her eyes.

See she really roll her eyes like she doesn't care about anything. She is mean, none of my kids look like me or act like me. They both look like their grandparents and act like their dad. I guess I was just the carrier.

"Baby we need to talk when the kids go down for their naps." Simba said sticking his head in the room.

"Okay." I said while burping Waverly.

Getting both kids to actually settle down and take a nap was easy. Doing a recovery of the house is going to be the hard part. Having two young children is not about to be easy. Mekonnen likes to throw things now and he's crawling. So ain't no telling what all he has messed up.

"What you want to talk about baby?" I asked while we started on the living room.

"How we gone insure no more kids? I know for a fact I'm not going to want to wear a condom every time we have sex because you my wife and I'm not stepping out on you. You not going to get on birth control and put all those drugs in you. What are we going to do. I'm content with our two and I don't want you to have to go through labor again."

"I honestly haven't thought about it. We can talk to my doctor about me getting my tubes tied or even clipped and burnt."

"Baby that would make you sterilize."

"I know Simba. I'm happy in our relationship. I don't seem divorce in our future. We are both content with our two kids and I don't want to experience labor again after what happened with Waverly. I rather be sterilized then us have a child we don't want."

"Well baby if you get sterilized. I will too."

"You sure baby?"

"I'm not about to have you get sterile and I'm not. Because even if this don't work out, which it is I don't want kids outside of you. I also don't want you to feel like you hold on the responsibility to not create anymore kids."

"Aw you so sweet baby. So we both just gone be sterile."

"Neither one of us want more kids, so I guess so."

Once we finished cleaning we decided to take a shower before starting on dinner. It's just something about cooking right after cleaning that makes me feel some type of way. I know for Simba it makes him not want to eat his food. He feel like germs and dirt is going into his food if he doesn't wash his body after cleaning before cooking.

"Baby." Simba said while we stood under the water.

"Yes?" I asked looking back at him.

"I love you."

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