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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Xayvion Taylor,

I just can't stop looking at my son

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I just can't stop looking at my son. Like he is really here right now and it's really a bitter sweet moment. He looked so much like his grandfathers it's scary but at the same time it's just like wow.

Just from looking at him I know my dad would be proud of me. Shit from looking at him and Bryce together I can tell he is proud of my choices and my family.

"His eyes hasn't left Xay the whole time we been in here." D said while Bry was burping him.

"He wondering why his dad hasn't grabbed him yet." Bry said looking at me.

I haven't held him yet and he's been here for about three hours.

"He need to hurry up so we can hold our damn grandson." Momma said.

Bryce won't let no one hold him until I hold him. Like not the nurse or doctor. She has to hold him while everything is getting done because she refuse to allow me to be the second or last to hold him.

"What's taking so long?" Ty asked while everybody stared at me.

"He looks like dad and he's small." Z said taking the words right out my mouth.

"You can't be scared to hold your own son Xay." Mama Jala said.

I nodded my head and just looked at him.

"Well since he playing let Z hold him. Xay and Z look alike so it's like Xay holding him." D said but Bry just shook her head.

"No one other then me is holding Mekonnen until Xayvion does. That goes for doctors, nurses, and family." She said rolling her eyes.

"Xayvion you have less then four minutes to grab your son or you gone be a floor above us." Grammy said.

"Don't threaten the boy." Mama Jala said.

"Oh it's not a threat. It's a promise." Grammy said.

"Shit I'm with her." Momma said causing me to just shake my head.

They ready to jump my ass for no reason.

"Why are you scared?" Mama Jala asked. "Other then the fact Konnen looks like Oscar and Beca? What about holding him scares you?"

"Bry been pregnant for like two decades, this just seem so unreal. He is really here, he's outside her womb being extra just like his mom."

"Who is extra?" Bry asked while sitting back up.

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