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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Xayvion Taylor,

Today is the day we find out if Waverly can come home. These two week have been hell. We have to take turns coming to see her because Konnen can't come to the hospital. Which is just going to make it harder for him to actually understand when she come home because he got use to be the only child. Waverly just got to the point where she can drink Bryce milk which is great or it would have been world war 98.

"Let me know if she come coming home today. This way I can find the key and get her room together." Ty said while he grabbed Konnen from me.

He took two weeks out of work for maturity leave to get Waverly room ready. Since he wasn't able to reveal the gender we decided to let him do her room.

"Okay." I said as we walked out the door.

"I hope she comes home today because I hate hospitals and mainly that one." Bryce said rolling her eyes at the thought of even going back there.

Sometime last week her therapist told me that with her doctor forcing her into a c-section and basically not letting this labor go as Bry wanted. It could send her into postpartum post-traumatic stress. So I was told to keep a eye out to make sure she isn't distancing herself from every and the baby. Basically, she told me to keep an eye out for all the different types of symptoms. So far Bry been good.

I was also told to keep an eye out for her slipping into postpartum depression. She said with Waverly being in the hospital and her labor it would cause Bry to slip into it. See I just found out that she diagnosed with Bry postpartum depression when they first had they little sit down.

"She gone come home baby. Everything has been going good. She passed all her test, even the car seat portion. She good. Wavy coming home today." I said speaking it into existence.

Once we got to the hospital we did our regular. We grabbed something to snack on, brought Wavy a gift, then headed to her room. She got out the NICU two days ago which usually means she getting ready to come home, at least that's what a nurse said.

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor." Wavy's nurse said as we walked into the room.

As usual she was giving them hell. One thing she hate is for them to touch her. It's so bad they call us up all hours of the night to feed her mean ass.

"You mean like you papa." Bryce said grabbing her from the nurse. As soon as Bry touched her, she stopped crying.

We were in the middle of washing her since she shitted every where we the doctor walked in.



"We checked everything and it's safe to say, little Miss Waverly can go home today."

"Thank you." We both days relieved.

I pulled my phone out to text Ty.

Fxck'd Up Name Xay: She coming home today.

Ugly Name Asx Ty: Ight. Yo mean ass son smacked the shit out of me.

Fxck'd Up Name Xay: You probably caused it.

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