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Friday, February 10, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

Getting ready for Mayah's doctor's appoint had me more nerves then every and I don't know why. I know for a fact my baby is depressed, but I just hope it isn't too bad. I mean what child wouldn't be depressed after the death of their parents.

"Can you stop stressing. Mayah is perfectly fine, she probably just probably gassy. You know when she gassy she act brand new." Xayvion said while rocking Mayah in his arms.

"It's hard." I said looking at them.

"You always overthink things." He said kissing my lips.

"I do now overthink. You under think things." I said grabbing my bag.

I wobbled passed him and Mayah, heading to the car. I have to always get a head start to the car because it's takes me about ten minutes to get from then bedroom to the kitchen.

"Come on momma." Xayvion said placing his free hand on my lower back.

"Don't rush me." I said wobbling to the front door.

My due date is literally in six days and I'm feeling it.

"Think you gone make it?"

"To the car or to the 16th?" I asked opening the front door.

I know, why am I just making it to the front door. Don't judge me, I have a baby that has his father's height, head, and who knows what else. I just hope his head and not as big as mine and Simba's together. I mean we both have some huge heads and that might be painful.

"The 16th, baby." He said laughing.

"Oh, I hope so. If he's born on your birthday I'm be happy too. I rather him born on his birthday or yours. I feel like it was be so cute. But then again I might be mad, like I carried him for nine months and he have your birthday." I said finally making it to the car.

Xayvion already out Mayah in the car and was waiting helping me in now. I don't know why I'm moving so slow. I actually feel pregnant now and I don't really like it.

"You have anger problems." He said starting the car.

This is just our norm now. We have to leave nearly an hour before appointments or we will be late. And we have to make sure Mayah has her snacks because she had a temper.

"I don't it's just won't be fair."

"I had all the boring sickness and body aches though." He said while backing out the driveway.

"Did we lock the door?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes I locked it."

I nodded my head and looked back at  Mayah. She was looking out the window which just made me smile. She reminds me so much Olivia it's crazy.

"You okay." Simba asked rubbing my leg with his free hand.

"I'm tired now." I said looking at him. "That was a work out."

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