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Monday, June 6, 2016

Bryce Taylor,

Being home alone sucks. I can't play with Dula because he's in daycare and mom won't let me take him because she doesn't want him spoiled.

I finished redecorating our room, living room, and both nooks. Now I'm just waiting for the outside furniture and the other decorations for the other bedrooms.

I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I took the pregnancy test out the bad and just looked at it. I know I have to wait another two weeks to take it but I'm sure it's going to come back negative considering I just started my period, which means I can't be pregnant...right?

"You think you might be pregnant?" Simba asked causing me to turn around.

"I started my period but I'm keep it just in case you know. It might not come next month or the month following." I said turning around.

"How you feeling?" He asked rubbing my stomach.

"I feel fine, cramps are real calm so I'm good. I some Simba time before I started so everything is good." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"That's good." He said kissing my lips. "You know I love you right."

"What you do?" I asked stepping back from him.

"I got you fired."

"I knew it."

"Only because you was working so many hours a nigga barely seeing you since you started working there. The hours is crazy."

"You been missing me?" I asked with a smirk. "You know when I did start working there I was planning our wedding."

"I know but if you get pregnant within the next few months I don't want you to be standing on your feet for all those hours."

"But I thought Mama Mackenzie wanted you to wait."

"Well I don't." He said kissing me again. "I don't want to be like 30 something having a child."

"My parents had Dula in their late 30s."

"Yeah but he was their second child not their first." He said as we walked back to the room.

I climbed in the bed and Simba got beside me and started rubbing my stomach.

"Why are you home?"

"I'm at lunch." He said pulling me closer.

"Actually, I did fix your lunch for you. It should be in the oven."

"What you fix me baby?" He asked leaning over me.

"Homemade pizza." I said causing him to smile.

"I'm so happy I married someone who can cook."

"Me too, so you cooking dinner tonight." I said as he got out the bed.

"I have no problem with that baby."

"You're the best." I said laying back in the bed.

"Aye guess who Birthday coming up." Simba said getting in the bed with his pizza in a plate.

"Hm is this person turning 21?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah." He said before biting his pizza.

"Is it me." I said smiling at him.

"Yeah my baby getting up there." He said as I sat up.

"You are only a year older then me."

"One year makes a difference baby." He said causing me to roll my eyes.

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