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Wednesday, December 2, 2016

Xayvion Taylor,

As usual a nigga was just sitting in his office bored. Normally, I would call Bry but she probably working on her third nap since I woke her up this morning while I was getting ready. But other tan talking to Bry, I usual talk to the my coworkers but almost all of them are out sick with the stomach flu that's going around or morning the death of the boss daughter, or faking the morning process so they didn't have to come, oh and some are working on this big project that has nothing to so with my department. So a nigga is bored, just getting paid for sitting on my ass. I mean I get paid to so that any ways but still.

"What up man." Danny said walking into my office.

"Well damn look what the devil dragged in."

"Don't start with that shit Xay."

"Nigga you stopped talking to my and my wife behind some bullshit. Dude, you really stop fucking with me because I fucked my wife raw and got her pregnant, What you thought only you and Liv was allowed yo have unprotected sex? You thought Mayah was gone be the youngest for ten years or something?"

"Why do you always have to be on some overdramatic shit?"

"Overdramatic? Nigga I'm calling it how I see the shit. You made my pregnant wife cry behind whatever bullshit excuse you about to kick out. I don't even get how you just not gone let anybody see Mayah or anything. Did you forget who was there for y'all doing Liv whole pregnancy? Did you forget what spend damn near they whole check on yo daughter clothes alone? Huh? It wasn't me, you, or Liv. It was Bry and you and Live had the nerve to pull that bullshit."

"No one told Bryce to buy Soumayah anything. I can and have been taking care of my daughter without y'all. I don't even know why I'm here." He said before walking.

I tell you, niggas get some pussy and have child and want to change up and act like a new person. I guess it's a good thing I'm real nigga so I wont have the same side effects after Konnen is born.

After a long boring and lonely day at work I finally was off and on my way home. Today was just odd for no reason. Bry never came to bring me lunch or for me to take her out to lunch, I couldn't leave for lunch because them white people was trippin'.

I walked into the house which just gave off this crazy vibe. The kitchen hadn't been touched because our breakfast plates still in the sink and the coffee pot still had coffee in it. I walked to me and Bry room only to find her curled up on the bed crying in her sleep.

I sat beside her and lightly tapped her trying to wake her without scaring her. My attempt didn't work but it did cause her to roll over which allowed me to see the black eye that had formed.

"The hell." I said to myself  looking closer at her left eye.

"Xay." She said sitting up.

She hugged me and clinched on to me for dear life. I pulled back from the hug and looked at her eye that swollen shut.

"Who put their hands on you?" I asked trying to conceal my anger.

"Daniel came over earlier and we got into an argument and then he hit me." 

"Excuse me?" I asked trying to make sure I heard her correctly.

"Daniel came over earlier and we got into an argument and then he slapped me and I punched him then he punched me in the eye and when I fell he kicked me." She said giving more detail this time.

This must be a dream or a joke. Because I know that nigga did not put his hands on my wife, my pregnant wife at that.

"Did you eat lunch?" She asked hugging me again.

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