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Saturday, March 11, 2017


Xayvion and Bryce just finished getting ready for the day. Their kids are feed, they have eaten, they are all dressed for today, and now they are sitting on the couch while the kids nap in their nappers.

"What we doing for today?" Xayvion asked Bry, looking up from his phone.

"Um, I don't know. I was just looking for places we can take the kids." She said looking at him.

Before Xayvion could respond there was knocking on the door which meant it could only be Dream, Ty, and/or Zakari since everyone else is gone. Xayvion got off the couch and made his way to the front door. He looked through the peephole just to be sure before opening it.

"It's almost Spring but it's not Spring yet. You need to open the door faster next time." Dream said walking in the house alone.

"Where Ty?" Xayvion asked as they walked to the living room.

He had no plans in hanging with Dream or anybody else for that matter but he didn't care. He hadn't hung out with his friends in a while and plus he figured Bryce need to see other people faces other then his and the kids.

"Oh, him and Z ran off somewhere, these dudes was chasing them or something."

"Stop playing." Xayvion said not believing her.

"I'm not. I got in the car and drove here. I'm pregnant and they both called me fat so they could use an ass whopping anyways. Plus it was only like eight guys." She said shrugging her shoulders before walking into the kitchen.

Xayvion and Bryce looked at each other for a moment trying to decided if they believed her. She had never prank'd either of them before so they couldn't figure out if she was joking or not. They do know for a fact that she will go to war behind Ty, so they didn't believe she would leave him if guys were after him but they know how she gets when she is called fat so they was stuck. Half of them believed what she was saying but the other half didn't.

"Are you joking?" Bryce asked.

Before Dream could answer there was banging on the door. Xayvion rushed to the door only to see his little brother jump off the porch with a group of guys chasing him. His first thought was just chase after his brother because that is his little brother, so the guys are gone have to fight both of them or bank both them but it wasn't about to be eight on just his little brother.

"See, everybody always thinking Dream's lying." Dream said as her and Bry stood in the door. "Here is the keys, go get them fools, I'm stay my pregnant ass in the house with the sleeping devils." Dream added passing Bryce the car keys.

Before Bryce had a chance to wrap her head around what was going on, Dream pushed her out the door and locked it. She then moved as ass as she could to the dining room and took a chair to prop behind the door. By the time she made it back to the living room, Ty was laid out on the back porch out of breath.

"Come on fool." She said opening the back door for him.

Once he was she locked the door and kissed each other as a way to say job well done.

They sat on the couch and watched the kids sleep while Bry tried to get back in the house and a very angry Xayvion made his way down the street.

"Why you outside?" He asked Bryce while walking up the steps.

"Dream handed me the keys and pushed me out."

They both started knocking on the door but got nowhere so they went around back.

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