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Monday, February 20, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

Simba just finished getting Mayah dressed and I just finished getting Obeca dressed. I would have gotten them both dressed but Simba is like rushing me so we each took a child.

"Why you moving so slow?"

"You gone get slapped Xay, you are rushing me and her appointment is in three hours. It's a 20 minutes drive and I'm still healing from pushing your big head son out of my area. Leave me the fuck alone."

"Calm down baby it's not that serious and watch your mouth in front of these babies." He said sounding like a old grandma. "Just so hostel." He said kissing my neck.

See this negro is about to drive me crazy. I don't even like that word like that but he's acting like negro right now.

"Get away from me." I said the nicest way possible.

"Why you so mad?"

Did he just ask me why am I mad? Like he wasn't rushing me? Like he hasn't been rushing me since four in the morning. I mind you I put Obeca down at ten o'clock and he slept till three o'clock then Mayah woke up at 3:20am right after I put Mekonnen back down. Then Xayvion Simba Taylor had the nerve to set an alarm clock for 4:01am, yes 4:01 he felt real petty last night.

Now let me break this down a little more. Mekonnen was sleep by 10:00pm on the dot, Soumayah was sleep by 10:20pm because Xayvion was playing with her. Then Xayvion wanted head last night and I decided to fucking be nice, NEVER AGAIN! By the time I finished with his no good ass it was going on 11:10pm. I mind you, I haven't cleaned the house yet and the kids made a mess while I finished getting Mekonnen ready for bed. So Xayvion took his shower and went to bed it was 11:38pm, I decided to clean first and then take a shower because he used up all the hot water. How did he do that in a 20 minute shower? He let the hot water run while he talked to me about stuff I did not care about.

Then after I cleaned everything I had to wash dishes by hand because I was not in formed while at the store we no longer had the dishwasher soap because Dula and Tj decided to flush them down the toilet while he watched by the men. So I used what hot water that did come back to wash the dishes, which left me waiting on the hot water to come back for my shower. By the time I took my shower, pumped my breast, fixed Soumayah late night bottle, and then got in bed it was 2:50am. Which mean I was right back up in less then ten minutes.

I'm running off about 30 minutes of sleep and this black man want to ask why I'm mad that HE KEEP RUSHING ME. He had all the proper amount of hours and here I am with bags under my eyes and he look all refreshed.

"You about three seconds from becoming a single father for a day, leave me alone Xay."

"Baby." He said to sweet talk me but I'm really not in the mood.

I'm tired and I can't go back to sleep until the kids go to sleep because after Mayah's appointment, Xay is going to work.

"You didn't get much sleep last night?"

"I got no sleep Xayvion, I had at the most 30 minutes of sleep. Then you set an alarm for 4:01 and didn't even get up but it woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep because your son heard it too."

"I'm sorry baby, I had plans to wake up."

"Why at 4:01 in the morning?"

"Don't worry about it but I'm truly sorry."

"Yeah let's just go out to breakfast because I don't feel like cooking."

"What you want?"

"Bob Evans."

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