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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Xayvion Taylor,

Me and Bryce anniversary is Wednesday and I have nothing planned. I was going to start planning in April but April wasn't a good month for us. Mayah was in and out the hospital, so was Grammy, and Mekonnen has allergies so he was sick for most of April.

"Xay what you gone do?" Ty asked me.

We had the kids all weekend while Bry and D go have a mommy weekend out. I believe they are gone to the spa retreat or something. I already told Bry if any male worker approach her and ask about any type of rubs so she got every STD known to man and make up a few.

"I have no clue." I said looking down at Konnen.

He was knocked out and momma got Mayah. She came and got her about thirty minutes ago, something about some girl time.

"You better figure something out nigga. This is y'all one year." He said shaking his head. "I can't believe I'm having a baby girl in August. This some shit, a nigga ready and not ready at the same time. It's all fun in games when it's just boy but not it's a little girl. One day niggas gone try and fuck my baby girl." He said shaking his head.

"Yeah and you know how You was a teenager." I said deciding to fuck with him.

"Shut the fuck up. You and Bryce done with kid?" He asked looking at me.

I looked down at Konnen and nodded my head.

"Labor almost killed her the first time."


"I know."

"You want me to help you figure something out?" He asked looking at me.

"No but I might need you and D to get the kids for me."

It's not that I don't want to have the kids with us it's just if things end on a happy note, I'm trying to have Bryce screaming my name.

"You already know we down. Y'all always watch Tj when we want some adult time."

"Pop-pop." Tj said looking at Ty.



"Ight lets go." Ty said standing up.

When I say Tj got me feeling old, he got me feeling old. He just turned three in the 5th and is really trying yo be independent. I can't believe this shit. Just Like Konnen as trying to sit up and shit like he suppose to be growing up. If his little ass don't slow down I'm ship him to Africa.

"Potty training him got me feeling old. Shit about to have two kids got me feeling old and D big. For a minute I thought it might be more then one, I was ready to buy the box and tape. Ship that baby to long distance family and put a no return address on it."

I couldn't help but laugh at his stupid ass. Ty talk all that now but when his baby girl born he gone be ghost on all of us.

"Our wives need to hurry back. I need somebody to yell at me for doing dumb shit." Ty said before shaking his head.

"I do miss Bryce. It's been lonely without her." I said leaning back on the couch.

"I get we need space but not this much. I need D to come and call me all types of stupid and then let me lick her kitty."

"I need Bry to mean mug my ass so I can hit in the shower just one good time."

"I miss my wife." He said dropping his head.

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