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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Dream Anderson,

"Look, all I'm saying is this shit unhealthy." I said to Ty and Z while rubbing my stomach.

I decided to bring up the fact that Bry and Xay need. They'll never ask for it because it the two people out the group who are expected to have the shit together. I mean they married, with three cars, a house that is paid for, and both of them got some stamps on the passports. What's more together then that? The rest of us is still struggling to pay phone bills and eat everyday.

"They ain't asking for help, which mean they have it all together."

"Ty'Earl Anderson Sr, you have know Xayvion for how long? You know damn well he not about to ask for help and neither is B. We all know they goals on some many levels and they know this too. They not about to ask us. Look all I am is we need to kick them out they house for the weekend. We keep the kids and let them go out and act like the in they early twenties."

"I get where you coming from D but you know Bry and Xay ain't about to just us take Mayah and Konnen. You know for damn sure since they found out Mayah dying she not leaving they sight."

"Who said we was gone give them a choice. I have a plan for how we gone get them out the house. Y'all just have to be down with it."

"We calling the grandparents?"

"No, just say y'all down and I'll tell y'all the plan."

They looked at each other for a moment and then back at me.

"They need because shit they my goals and if this ruin them then I can't get married. I'm down." Z said.

"Yeah, I'm with Z. If they end because we ain't help out then I won't be able to get married because it's just no point after that." Ty said which caused him to get smacked upside the head.

"You are married nigga, keep playing and you gone be divorced."

"Stop playing all your life and tell the plan." He said turning his nose up at me.

"Okay, so this is what's gone happen....."

Bryce Taylor,

I looked at Obeca and Mayah as they laid in their beds sleep. I finally decided to let them sleep in their rooms while I cleaned the house and prepare for dinner. I've been home with the kids by myself all day. Simba at work, Mom, Dula, Grammy, and her husband are on their way to Ethiopia. Dream, Ty, and Zakari haven't answered my calls or texted me back all day. So, it's just been the three of us. We took Simba some lunch around 12, stayed till 12:40 then came home and just relaxed and then I took them to this little baby park but it wasn't really fun because Obeca too young to play and Tay-Sachs so she not doing much moving.

I let a sign out to myself as I moved the monitors and looked through out the house. Nothing to do. I cleaned rooms we don't even go in, I cleaned me and Simba room, I cleaned the outside area, I cleaned the kitchen, living room, dining room, all the bathrooms, I wiped and disinfected everything, and I washed, cut, and cooked everything for dinner. I am so bored to the point I even watched porn for the first time and I have to say I don't see the big deal about it.

"What's wrong?" Simba asked walking from around the corner.

When I seen him and heard his voice the biggest smile appeared on my face. Not only because I missed him but now I have somebody to be bored with.

"I am bored, like to the point I watched porn today. The kids wasn't in the room of course but I don't see the big deal like it was literally just people having sex and girls just doing the most with their moans. Like it could not have been that good and his dick was small." I said causing him to just look at me like I was crazy.

"You need friends." He simply said before giving me a kiss. "Where are they?"

"Sleep. We went to the baby park I found and it was no fun because Obeca is too young to enjoy and Mayah can't."

"Yeah, I noticed she moving less and less." He said looking down before looking at me. "You know a big day coming up." He said smiling.

"Let me see, May 17th marks two years in a relationship and now one year of marriage." I said smiling big at the thought.

Who would have thought on December 25th, 2014 that I would have met my biggest headache, my lover, my male best friend, my cornball, I mean who would have know that I would have met the best guy at a party I was forced to go to and then get engaged to a year later on that same date.

"Can you believe we known each other for nearly three years. It all happened so fast but shit I don't regret nothing."

"I know, but it's crazy to think about all the loses we gained within that time but we also gained so much. I lost my father and gain two new friends after that. You lost your grandmother and gained a son."

"It's like for every lost we gain something."

"I just wish we didn't have to lose anybody else."

"I know, I wish we didn't either but I rather lose her then have her suffering just for us. I want to be selfish so bad and say just hold on Mayah, don't leave us but at the same time I have to remember that this ain't a time to be selfish." Simba said pulling me to him.

"I cleaned the whole house." I said changing the subject.

We've shed enough tears for now, we need to celebrate her life while she is here and when she is gone. It's easier said then done but we gone have to make it work some how and some way.

"I can tell. Don't worry, you won't be this bored much longer. I'm help y'all find a little activity to since all the kids do is sleep, eat, use the bathroom, and rush us when they woke."

"I was actually thinking about taking up hobby or something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. I have to google good hobbies for stay at homes moms. I have no clue what hobbies they have, I am new to this. This is like the trial and error portion I heard. They say gets better with the amount of kids. The first or first two are like the strew ups."

"Make since but we can we eat dinner?" Simba asked sitting at the island.

I looked at the baby monitors and seen they are both still sleep, so I started fixing me and Simba plates.

"They gone wake up around two or three in the morning going off." Simba said as I placed his plate in front of him.

"Yep." I said sitting beside him.

He leaned down and place a kiss on my lips and then forehead.

"I'm surprised Konnen and ain't got your huge forehead." He said smiling before eating his chicken.

"Don't start on the forehead roast. I'm not the only one with one." I said causing him to laugh.

That's pretty much how our dinner went, talking, joking, and watching the babies sleep. It was like old times but with babies added to the mix.

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