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Friday, December 30, 2016

Bryce Taylor,

Simba's grandmother's funeral is this weekend and he's not doing too well. He's trying to keep himself busy but doing Mekonnen's room, setting a play room, putting together some of his larger toys, etc.

But right now I'm not even home. I'm with Dream at her doctor's appointment. She still haven't told Ty or anyone else.

"So when do you plan on telling Ty?" I asked as we waited in the doctor.

They took her straight back but the doctor is taking forever or maybe I'm just impatient.

"I don't know. It's so much going on with now. With Xay's grandma being killed and Olivia being back and no one knowing where Daniel at. Everyone is pretty stressed right now, I'm let them cool down and then break the news."

"You know when I tried that y'all tried to kill me."

"Okay but that's because you and Xay was having problems. That had nothing to do with everybody else. Me and Ty ain't having problems, everybody else just depressed and salty fright now."

"So you told me because I'm the only one that's in a good place."

"Depends on what you consider a good place. Plus I don't want to tell Ty because he's going to make me come out of work. You know like what Xay did but much worse." She said kicking her feet. "I hope it's a girl. I need a girl in my life."

"Right, I know after I have Mekonnen Simba wants one more child and I hope it's a girl. I thought I wanted a son but now that I think about, I want a mini me not a small Simba."

"Right and it's no fun. Even if he looks like you he gone act like his father. It's like his dad is his best friend even though you did all the work. You spend sixteen hours in labor, you carried his ass for 41 weeks, you took all the pain, you got a big ass needle in your back."

"Are you okay Dream?"

"Just fine." She said looking at me.

"I hope I don't have a long labor. I plan to have a natural birth. I don't even want to be at a hospital, I wan to have him either at home or in a birthing center."

"How Xay feel about that?"

"He keep saying no. I feel it will be more personal if I can have him the way I want to. Like a water birth will be fine but I really want Simba to deliver him."

"Say what?" She asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"You don't want Ty to deliver this baby?"

"Ty too fucking childish. I be done kicked him in the damn face. But to each its own. Have you told Xay you want him to deliver y'all baby?"

"No, I haven't told anybody but you."

"Ain't that what happened with that singer who has the baby by the baller?"

"Yeah but I want this to be planned. I don't want to do it because she did. My dad delivered me and Dula."

"Was your dad a doctor?"

"No. My mom had a mid-wife and she let my dad deliver us. I talked to her about helping Simba deliver our son."

"Bryce ion think Xay going for it. Expecially since Daniel jumped on you, I think it would be best for you to just have him in a hospital and it would be safer."

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