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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

Things have been weird since we found out I was pregnant. I had a doctors appointment Thursday and I found I was 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant but now I am 10 weeks exactly. I am three months pregnant and had no clue.

"Simba." I said walking to him with Konnen in my arms.

He's been in his office area for a little while doing whatever it is that he be doing.

"Yes." He said as I walked through the door.

I looked around and noticed he was packing his things up.

"What you doing?"

"Our baby gone need they own space." He said kissing my lips.

"You not upset?"

"I didn't want another one but I mean we married so condoms haven't been in the plan. Plus you 10 weeks, so I know you got pregnant when we had our child free weekend." He said grabbing Konnen. "You think we gone get our Waverly or another Konnen?"

"I don't know, I just hope labor goes better this time."

"Me too. December 16th. All these winter babies."

"Wait so you not mad?"

"Of course not. I'm scared like shit but mad, nah. I'm not trying to lose you or our baby. But if it's another boy he going in the room with Konnen and I'm taking my room back."

"If it's another boy I don't have a name."

"Shit I don't either."

"Xayvion junior?" I questioned.

"No, there can only be one Xayvion." He said walking out the room.

"Do you think our family started taking Mayah so much so things won't be hard on us when she pass away?" I asked just out of curiosity.

"Most definitely." He said sitting on our bed. "We've never made a baby in our own bed. Konnen was made in Bora Bora and baby Taylor was made at the Hilton." He said looking at me.

"I didn't even realize that." I said getting in the bed.

"Yeah, well you get the rest that your doctor recommended. Me and Konnen gone do something while you sleep." He said getting off the bed.

"Y'all leaving?"

"Yep." He said walking out the room.

I laid back on the bed and got comfortable while rubbing my baby bump which I thought was just fat. The longer I laid there the more things played through my mind. Our second child and Obeca is only three months old and I'm three months pregnant. I know pregnancy weeks are different for infant age but it just sound so weird.

I finally dosed off to sleep and when I woke up the sun had went down and I could smell food. Well to be honest the smell of food is what woke me up.

I got out the bed and went to the kitchen, where I was met with Mekonnen snoring and Xayvion cooking.

"Busy day?" I asked walking pass his bouncer.

"Just a little light shopping." He said kissing my lips. "I went my momma house to get Mayah and she told me to get the fuck off her shit. Then Grammy tried to take Konnen. We had to run."

"They are terrible."

"Right but baby." He said looking down at me. "I was thinking if it's another boy we name him Kelyle, just so we can call them Konnen and Kel."

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