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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Bryce Taylor,

I woke up on this lovely day to my husband cooking. It must be the end of time because he is cooking all my favorites or maybe he trying to sweeten me up before he gives me bad news.

"You cheated?" I asked as he sat a plate in front of me.

"Really Bryce. Did I cheat." He said shaking his head head. "You know I didn't fucking cheat."

"You want a divorce?"

"Eat the damn food."

Don't have to tell me twice.

While I ate my food, Xayvion stood behind me and kissed my neck while rubbing Mekonnen.

"Why you doing all this?" I asked finishing off my French toast.

"Today is Christmas and I just felt like doing something nice for my baby."

"Wait. Today is the 25th of December?"

"Yes baby. What's wrong?" He asked as I turned around to face him.

"Two years ago today we met." I said smiling. "I mean who would have thought two years ago we would be married and expecting our first child."

"Damn it's been two years already?" He said asked while wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes, two whole years." I said kissing his lips. "I'm where is Olivia and Soumayah?"

"With Liv's mom."

"That's good, I guess. Are we going to go play outside in the snow?"

"The snow melted."

"Boo the weather." I said getting off the stool.

With Simba's still wrapped around me, I made my way to the bathroom.

"So you just gone hold me while I pee?" I asked while pulling my shorts and undies down.

"No." He said letting me do.

He still stayed in the bathroom though.

"Why haven't left the house in so long." He said as I walked to the sink to wash my hands.

"Yes we have. You went to work, I went to your job to bring you lunch, we go to doctor appointments, we go to the park well not now because it's cold, we go out to eat, and we go grocery shopping. I mean just the other day we was at the grocery store." I said causing him to just stale face me.

"So adventurous." He said sarcastically.

"What you want me to do Xayvion? Jump off a building with you? Walk up a mountain? Fight a bear? Ride a bull? Swim with sharks? I'm pregnant with your big headed baby."

"My baby head ain't big."

"If his head small where he get it from? My head big and so is yours. If he got a small head, you're not the father." I said walking out the bathroom.

"Don't play with me Bryce."

"No one is playing." I said sitting on the bed. "I try to be adventurous but I'm just so tired. My back hurt all the time, my feet always swelling up, and I'm just a fat blob." I said breaking out into a full blown out crying session.

"Aye calm down baby." He said hugging me. "It's gone be okay, no need to cry." He said as we rocked back and forth.

"Am I a fat blob?" I asked pulling back from the hug.

"No, you know you not a fat blob baby." He said wiping my tears away. "You want to just lay in bed and eat some snacks?" He asked after kissing my cheek.

I nodded my head yes and climbed to the top of the bed as he went to get the snacks.

I got comfortable and patiently waited for my husband to come back.

After about twenty minutes of waiting I got out the bed and made my way to the front. When I seen Simba just sitting on the couch with his face in his hands I became worried.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked sitting beside him.

I rubbed his back waiting for him to answer me or even look at me.

"My grandma dead." He said with tears rolling down his face.

"Oh my Grandma Pam."

"No my dad's mom." He said dropping his head.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry." I said pulling him to me.

"She use to be my rock baby." He said  squeezing me.

"I didn't know y'all were close."

"She was my best friend."

"Baby what happened."

"She was killed man." He said breaking down once more. "Fuck man, they killed my grandma for I reason. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"They got the person?" I asked but all he did was shake his head.

"All she cared about after my dad's death was helping people. And she lost her life to helping people, helping the wrong person at the wrong time."

"Calm down baby."

"I'm tired of having to at say and hear Rest In Peace everyday baby. I'm tired of see people on shirts and buttons behind some dumb shit. I'm tired of the Facebook and Instagram post, baby a nigga tired of this shit. People don't care no more, it's to the point where people getting killed for giving the wrong person a ride. They killed an elderly old woman behind the person she gave a fucking ride too. Crazy part she just got in town, she was coming to see me and meet you since she wasn't here for the wedding."

All I could do was pull him into a hug because o get what he saying. Things aren't like they use to be anymore. I get where he coming from because I'm tired of see the shirts, buttons, post, picture, etc. it's just sad. People really are just dying for no reason now, it's like your can't even be a good person anymore.

"She died alone. No one even tried to help her, they just watched her bleed out. Didn't even call the police, they just let my grandma bleed out in her car."

We rocked back and forth slowly as he just cried on my shoulder. I just held him the best to my ability and tried to comfort him.

|| Not really a long chapter but that's okay.

But um there is a story behind the ending of this chapter. See my last day of school was almost a week ago and I went late like every other Friday but when I got there I was told one of my fellow students was killed the night before. And as y'all know the story setting is based in Virginia which is where I live and when I tell y'all I'm tired of see the post, picture, shirts, buttons -- I'm deadass tired. Like she was like the fourth teen killed in like three or two weeks, shit sad on a different level.

I'm done with my brief story but y'all be safe this summer because people getting real reckless real fast. Like I live in Richmond and our murder count already about to reach the 200s when last year around this time we was still in the 90s. ||

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