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Monday, December 25, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

Most people see December 25th as Christmas. A day to spend with family and have a tree in your house while y'all exchange gifts. I never understood the concept so I never celebrated the holiday it's self. But I have celebrated on this day. For different reasons like when I was younger this day was celebrated for Grammy, it's her birthday but as she got older we stop celebrating. When I was a teenager I celebrated on this day because it was one of my parents many anniversaries. Now I'm celebrating on this day because it marks three years ago that I met my husband. My celebration for this day maybe different from other but it's not any less important.

To look back three years ago I can see how much my life has changed. Within three years I've lost my dad, lost my best friend, my god-daughter, and a friend. But also with in these three years I got married, I had two beautiful kids, I gained three brothers, a sister, and I even got a nephew and niece. In these three years I experience things I never thought I would and I even found new things about myself.

I mean it crazy to think three years ago all that was on my mind was going back to school. Majoring in something else and to keep working no matter what. Now I'm thinking about what to make my husband for lunch. I'm thinking of ways to spend time together as a family, I'm worried about our son running over our daughter and him throwing things because he mad that we had another child.

Three years ago, Xayvion was a random guy I met at a party I was dragged to. A party that I was dragged to because Olivia thought I was taking life to serious and not living enough. A party she  thought would make me want to just be wild in my 20s and worry about real life things in my 30s but in stead, we did the opposite. We married at 21 and we became family women. We did the opposite of what she wanted and I don't regret it.

Three years ago, I was lonely and never admitted it. I was so focused on being the best daughter for my parents to be proud of.

Three years ago, I was mean and focus. I was an introvert and I felt I only need Olivia and my brain.

That was me three years ago and it has taken my three years to realize that was me. I've changed into the person I wanted to be. Three years ago, I wanted to be the happy and goofy Bryce. I want to be the one who felt she had endless support, I wanted someone to love me more then I could ever imagine, I want to just wake up and be happy and not worry about much like was I ever going to be good enough.

If three years with Xayvion changed my life this much it makes me wonder what a lifetime with him will be like. We had our problems in the beginning but what marriage doesn't have problems.

"Three years ago we didn't even like each other. If I could have seen the future I would have still treated you the same." Simba said before laughing at himself. "No but honestly, I would have changed my communication with you. We started off with semi-good communication but then it got bad. I honestly believe I messed it up when I didn't tell you about my brain tumor."

"Have you ever thought where we would be now had we not met in that party?"

"Honestly? I think about it every night I hold you and every morning I wake up to you. I think about the miserable person I was before you, I think about how you changed me for the better and that if I hadn't met you then at this very moment I would probably be dead. You the reason I even had the brain tumor removed. I love you that much even back then. I was depressed before I met you and I use to try and blame my actions on Love after she killed my seed but in all honesty it was me. I never morn my dad's death the proper way. I didn't want to cry about it because I felt I didn't have the right to. So every night and every morning before bed I think about how I would have let depression kill me, how you saved my life."

"Simba I didn't even know you felt like that."

"Bryce, you gave me back my will to live. You gave me a reason to live and now you have given two more reasons. Everyday even when we mad at each other for whatever petty reason I still thank you in my mind because had I not met you, I would have let the brain tumor kill me or I would have just worked myself to death. This is why I try not to think about all the lost that we endured during these three years because you gave me so much more."

"I thought about where I would be had I never met you. I don't think about it everyday but I do shit and think about it every month. When we first met, I had wish I didn't meet you. You was like my worse enemy back then but then as the months went on I was so grateful that I did meet you. I feel like had we never met that day, yes we would both have our best friends but we would have each other, our kids, a supportive family, I wouldn't have gained Zakari, Mama Mackenzie, Ty, Tj, or Dream. I would have been lonely and miserable like I was before hand."

"I thought about losing your family as well. Honestly, I can't imagine it. Our families bring the best out of each other. Plus, whats a life without Grammy." He said causing us both to laugh. "I don't say it nearly enough but I appreciate you Bryce and I love you."

"I appreciate you too Xay. I'm also grateful for you and I thank you for giving me the best life."

"Thank you for giving me my best life."

"Three years down and many more to go."

"A lifetime to go."

"Do you think they gone fight a lot?" I asked looking at Mekonnen and Waverly. Mekonnen is currently trying to throw his blocks at her.

"Yeah, all siblings fight a lot but he gone always protect his sister."

"Hm, now I wish Dula was born after me. I use to always want a sibling to play with."

"You know your family prefer to wait yars before having another child. I think you the only normal one."

"Yeah I know.They rather wait until the first is grown."

"Honestly, you would have done the same if we was careful."

"They manage to do that because they had sex one time a year and made sure to use protection. They planned a year to get pregnant."


"Yeah. They didn't have a slip up. Grammy might have but Mom didn't."

"That is crazy."

"Yeah. What are we going to do today? We can go to your family holiday party."

"Hell no, my aunt still mad you called her casket ready. I don't think a party with my family will be good. They still a little salty from the filter that you don't have. I say we do what we do best. Cook, grab the kids, and sit down and watch movies."


That's exactly how our day went. We cook, fed the kids, ate, and then watched all of our favorite movies until the kids wanted to play and then take naps.

Thank you, Olivia and Daniel. None of this will be possible without you two. Thank y'all for making us both attend the same party.

|| We have reached the end. Honestly, I just want to say thank you all for reading. I excpecially want to thank those who commented on every chapter and gave me insight on many things like wedderburn71  _JANELLEB_ MsJaYC @love_1828  _Blue_Alsina_ (even though your comments go pass Wattpad).I know many more have comments but y'all commented on damn near every chapter and that mean so much to me. I also remember y'all from other books of mine. So thank y'all, I honestly do be looking forward to y'all comments when I update because I know y'all will make me think about some things or you will make me laugh.

Okay I'm done but I was also thinking about doing like an alternative ending to this book, I have a few ways I could have ended it in mind and was wondering if y'all would care to read them. I'm still do the epilogue as well.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the book. Also I'm 19 as of today 🤟🏾 ||

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