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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

I've been laying in the bed all day in pain. I've felt Konnen move before and I felt them little braxton hicks but this is different. But I'm only 36 weeks so I hope I'm not in labor.

"Bry you want to go to the hospital?" Xayvion asked rubbing my arm.

I shook my head looked at him while he wiped my tears away.

"We suppose to be celebrating getting custody of Mayah today." I said lifting up.

These last few weeks has been court dates after court dates, case worker visit after visit, just craziness after craziness.

Then after the last court date Olivia's mom just decided to drop the whole thing and let us raise Mayah as our own. She knows that she was just on a petty vendetta.

"I get that baby but you also in a lot of pain. You need to get check, Konnen ol' egotistic ass probably want his little ego feed and want some attention." He said kissing my lips.


"You might not even be in labor, you could just be having really braxton hicks."

"You right." I said sitting all the way up.

As soon as I got in position to get up a pain shot through my lower back.

"I hope I can hold out to my baby shower. I planned it so nicely." I said pouting.

"Really Bry. You worried about a baby shower and not the fact that you would be going in labor early."

"Oh yeah that too. But I put in a lot of work into it."

"I know baby." He said helping out the bed. "Baby why you naked?"

"Because I'm grown."

"What that got to do with anything?" He asked as we walked to the closet.

Well he walked and I wobbled.

"What to wear?" I asked myself but Xayvion just passed me some yoga pants and a white shirt.

"There you go or you want a dress?"

"This is fine."

"Okay because we ain't got time for you to change ten times."

"That's you." I said pulling the pants up.

I ain't got time to be putting panties on because all they gone do is tell me to take them off.

"Pussy lips gone being rubbed while you walking."

"You do it anyways." I said causing him to look at me taking back.

"Lets go." He said as I put my slippers on.

"Oh shut up."

"Congratulations!" Everyone yelled as we walked into the living room.

"Where y'all going?" Mom asked.

"Hospital, she in pain."

"Oh well we got Mayah. Go ahead." She said picking Mayah up.

"Be back soon, hopefully." Xayvion said as we walked out the house.

As soon as we got to the hospital I was in so much pain I could barely get out the car.

Once August finally stop fighting with the nurse my doctor came in to check on me.

"What's the problem Mrs. Taylor?" Dr. Chiming asked.

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