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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Xayvion Taylor,

I decided to leave work after my lunch break so I can take Bry to the doctor. I was going to just stay home with her but Bry told me to at least work a half of day.

"Bryce." I called out as I walked through the house with mail in my hand.

"Bathroom." She replied.

I walked to the bathroom that's for the kids. She was bathing Waverly while Konnen sat in his walker. He was doing his usual of begging over dramatic by slamming his toys against the tray.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked looking down at him as he looked up at me.

"He mad because he wants his bath now but Waverly is getting her bath." She said standing up with Wavy wrapped in a towel.

"He get that from you." I said sitting the mail down. I picked his mean ass up and was about to get him ready for his bath until Bry screamed.

"What?" I asked looking at her with concern.

She threw all the mail in the sink and picked up on that was decorated with something like gold lines.

"To Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, awe." She cooed while reading. "We got invited to my cousin wedding. She even said to reserve and so she can get our plane tickets." Bry said looking at me.

"Which cousin is this?"

"The one who was like Jaja your husband is so adorable with his nice and white smile. Then she was like oh my Jaja he is tall,handsome, goofy, and the perfect match for you Jaja." Bry said looking at me.

"I just noticed your family don't call you anything dealing Bryce. You are always called your middle name or a nickname from your middle name."

"Yeah I know. But can we go baby?"

"If everything check out find with you at this doctors appointment I don't mind."

"Okay." She said smiling. "Mom is on her way over with the kids because I don't want to take the outside and they just got out the tub."

"Okay." I said letting Wavy water out.

By the time Konnen bath was over, mom was here with Dula.

"Y'all go out and have fun. Don't rush back if you don't have to. Go enjoy each other after the appointment." She said basically pushing us out the door.

"My appointment is in an hour." Bryce said looking at me.

"You ate?"

"No, I thought we would go after my appointment."

"We can go now and just do something after you appointment."

"Okay." She said walking to the car.

I opened the door for her and let her settle in the seat before I shut the door.

"I was looking into some properties we could one day invest in." Bry said as soon as I got in the car.

"What you mean?"

"Well I figured you might want to do something different with Waverly rather then to update and finish fixing the park you and your dad started on. I thought that would be you and Mekonnen's project."

"I never thought about what I could do with Wavy."

"You can do like a little girl/ young lady hang out. Basically like what your dad do with you. He helped you create a place that no matter the game you could visit. You can do something like that with Waverly since Mekonnen already has one."

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