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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Xayvion Taylor,

I looked at my mom as she looked at me and I just turned my head. Bryce said she'll stay home with the kids because the hospital and labor just brings a bad taste to her now and she rather not be here. Grammy said she understood and said it was okay as long as I was here because me and Bryce are one.

Talking to her is something I'm  not really for at the moment. I met with her dude and I don't like him. For one he tried too hard to but on the nonchalant side of him. For two he look like a knock of version of my dad and three he seems odd.

"Not today. It's about Grammy and family. Y'all are going to but y'all differences aside and be apart of this big happy family." Mom said looking between the two of us.

I just looked at her as well because I'm not really feeling her either but it's Bryce mother and not mine so not much I can really say.

"We should have the nicer one of the Taylor dual." Momma said turning her head.

"We do have the nicer one." Grammy said walking into the room.

Why is she walking while in labor? Don't know, it's not really affecting her. She has been contracting but it doesn't bother her. She just gets up and walk. She also doesn't give a damn about what the doctors say about her moving around.

"Simba expresses his feelings to us which makes him the nicer one. Jalene keeps her feelings in until she reach her breaking point and just snap on all of us." She said getting back in the bed.

Her little husband went to her side and just did everything she asked. He not a little bad dude he just knew the fuck better then to get with Grammy. So he'll still be the dude we call 'Grammy's nigga,' ion even know little dude name. I honestly don't care to know it honestly. I'll never kick it with him or even hang with his ass if Grammy ain't around.

"Thank you Grammy." I said just ignoring everyone else.

This damn baby need to come the fuck on so I can get home to my family. I love everybody in the room well not Grammy nigga because ion even know his name. I had earphones on at the wedding. But I'm ready to go.

"I think it's time we talking about this family." Grammy said sitting up.

"Talk about what Grammy?" Mom asked her. "Why can't you just have the baby and be in pain like normal people."

"Shut up girl. We are a close family but we maybe a little too close. We all over step sometimes and that's not really okay. Jala you over stepped when Jalene told you about their decision to become sterile. Simba you over stepped in your momma love life. I've over stepped in a few things as well but I'm Grammy so that's okay. Y'all need breaks.

Mackenzie, Xayvion is no longer a little kid that you have to beat around the bush with. You should have spoke to him like an adult before taking his children around anybody he doesn't know. Xayvion, you can't be mad that your mother has moved on. She still love your dad but baby he's no longer with her. You found love after all this, why can't she? You can't be selfish because she wasn't married to you. You her son and all you really need to do is support her. She is not trying to replace your father.

Jala you need to talk to Bryce. She is your daughter and not a young version of you. Her and Xayvion made that decision together. They both choose to do that. You don't have to believe in it but you can support her. You need to understand why she did it Jala. Labor nearly killed her twice. It's to the point she is scared of the labor and delivery ward. They happy with they decision so let it be. I think they both rather raise their kids together without being able to have another child rather then Xayvion planning his wife funeral.

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