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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Xayvion Taylor,

We been at the hospital with D since yesterday and babygirl still won't come out. It's going on 26 hours since we been here and it's getting boring. Bryce had already begun acting out. She cussed the doctor, nurse, baby, and the woman next door out. The woman was just in pain and trying to have her baby and Bry bust in the room stomach first and told the woman to shut the fuck up. Caught us all off guard.

"Xay." Ty whispered to me from across the room.

Why he whispering because our wives are bat shit crazy. We both got cussed slam the fuck out behind nothing.

"What?" I asked trying to be quiet as possible.

Bry and D just went back to sleep and waking them up is not part of the plan.

He pointed to the door so I slide off the couch and we rushed out the room.

"They crazy as shit." Ty said leaning against the wall. "I don't remember this with Tj. I feel like my life gone end soon if my damn daughter don't stop being childish and come on."

"You, nigga Bry not even in labor and she trying to kill me. She only 21 weeks. This the end for you, I still got time."

"I know, I never heard Bry use to many cuss words at one time. I didn't know you could cuss somebody out that bad using one word."

"Me either. I never heard her go off like that."

"This baby gave us a new Bryce that we don't want."

"That's what I'm saying. I want my Bryce back. This new can go."

Bryce did a complete 360 after her birthday. She just stared snapping on niggas for no reason. Cussed a nigga out like I was nothing. This baby done possessed my Bry and ion like this shit. But the even crazier part is, she goes from Bryce from hell to her normal self. It's just the battle of which one you gone get.

"She feeling pressure in her lower half." Bryce said standing in the doorway.

We both nodded our heads and looked at her.

"You gone go get the doctor Ty'Earl?" She asked looking at him. "Just standing there looking dumb in the face."

It's the Bryce from hell. I'm need her to go completely the fuck away.

While in the room waiting on Ty to get back I was in hell. If hell was a place it would be this room. I'm stuck with a woman in labor and another pregnant. They both giving me hell and I haven't done shit.

"Okay ladies, are we ready for a baby?" The doctor said walking in.

They both did another damn 360 turn on my ass and started laughing and joking with doctor.

I stayed far back and just waited until the baby was born. Ty on the other hand went through it. He was getting pulled on, hit, smacked, and some more. I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the pain on the baby because D was smiling the whole time. Once babygirl got here, their moods did another turn which just made me shake my head.

This some shit I'm not with.

"Simba baby, look." Bryce said holding Baby Anderson. "She look like like Tj." She cooed.

See now we got normal Bryce. Hopefully she here to stay.

"You want to hold her Xay?" Dream asked me while while the nurses worked on Ty.

"Nah, I'll wait till after Ty hold her."

I'm not on what everybody else was in when I wouldn't hold Konnen. I just don't believe in holding another mans child, mainly daughter before they do. That's his babygirl so he should hold her before me.

"It's gone be a while." Bry said looking at Ty. "Dream you are so mean."

"I bet he won't get me pregnant again."

"I won't." He diss while the nurse cleaned his lip.

"We gone let y'all enjoy being parents, again. We need to go home, shower, eat, and get some sleep before we get Mekonnen." Bryce said handing Baby Anderson back to Dream.

She gave Dream a kiss in the cheek and then hugged Ty.

I have D a side hug, dapped Ty up and then we left.

The ride back to the house was chill, we talked for a bit and Bry apologized for her actions at the hospital and then she just played music and sung along. I'm confused if my Bry is back or if I'm still battling between the two.

"I'm so tired. Like I could really just use some peaceful sleep."

"You haven't been sleeping peacefully?"

"No, Mekonnen cries every four hours just to look at me and then he goes back to sleep. I miss him as a newborn. Now he is just a butt. He wills cry at like two in the morning just for me to hold him." She said as we walked into our room. "Then when it's his day time nap or when he falls asleep he be doing good until I start relaxing." She said shaking her head.

Could she be two people because she not getting the proper rest? I mean she probably just tired. If I'm stuck with an two Bryce because she sleepy then I need to move in the room with Mekonnen so he doesn't wake her up in the middle of the night.

"You want me to take over the nightshift with him?"

"No, you have work in the morning. I'm fine, I get my sleep when he's with his grandparents, godparents, and uncle."

"How often is that?"

"I mean Simba they all have their own lives. So it's pretty much when every they feel like they can get him and for how long they can keep him. It's usually Thursdays for about an hour to thirty minutes. Which is good to me, it gives me long enough to clean the house, prep dinner, make sure laundry is done, and then take a quick nap." She said while walking into the room.

I'm going to have to find me some way to help her out because she lost one source of help from Ty and D because they just had a baby and now have two kids to take care of, Z ain't much help because he still a college student and has work as well, Grammy pregnant herself, and his grandmas work and still have social lives, and Dula ain't no help because he only a damn toddler.

I know she tired because at this stage with Mekonnen is when she slept the most. Sleep is something she needs anyways, her body can't run have a few hours of sleep. So finding a way I can help her at home and still make money is must.

|| See I could tell y'all Dream and Ty daughter name. But I'm not going to. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please excuse errors. ||

Count down to the end, 8 more chapters and the book is over.

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