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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

It's just a kids day with Dream today. Everybody is at work expect us and Dream is just too done with the fact I'm pregnant again.

"Ten weeks and three days pregnant, that's crazy." She said laughing. "You just Konnen and already about to pop another Xay out. His stroke game has to be the best in the world girl. You having stair step kids. I your pregnancy gone match Konnen age." She said laughing.

I just looked at her because it's not that funny.

"You a brave one. Your snap back game A-one as a bitch. He got you pregnant right after you had a baby and you ain't have a c-section. How you have sex after labor? I'm just wondering. It took me about six months to have sex with Ty after labor. I was scared to let him inside me."

"Dream." I said as she just stared at my stomach.

"It's a girl."

"Why you say that?"

"Because your mom had opposite genders. You know they say how your mom kids goes is how your kids will go. But if you go by Xay then you having another boy. I don't think it goes by the dad's. It might because Ty has a little sister and so do I."

"Your mom had the same gender back to back?"

"No, Love had a twin. He passed away from a car accident. Like literally before we met Xay. It was crazy and what not."

"Crazy how?"

"You really want to hear about your husband ex?"



"Because I'm nosey. Plus she followed me on Instagram and Twitter and only liked pictures that have Mekonnen and Simba in them. It's weird."

"Girl block her weird ass. That girl ain't right in the head. She is in love with Xay and doesn't understand that he moved on. She still thinks he has a chance and the whole family told her ass he got married." She said shaking her head.

"So she likes the pictures of them because in her head this suppose to be her family?"

"Girl yes. She was crying to me because she FaceTimed me and I wouldn't show her Konnen. She only knew he was at my house because she heard Xay talking to him. Girl I was weak. I love my sister but she fucked up and now she has to live with that. I told her aborting that baby wasn't going to be a good idea. She felt it was right because they were in college. Now she hurt but I figure Xay was gone end things with her anyways. Like once they hit College she was blowing him up like crazy, use to psych out when he was around another girl. She went to his job and showed out because he liked a girl picture of Instagram and it wasn't even a picture of her."

"She crazy."

I know it seem weird to want to know about your partners ex partners but I feel like it's a huge insight and definitely one I need right now.

"Yeah but I feel like she may have got an abortion because she knew that Xay was falling back from her and she thought maybe if she kept the baby he was going to feel trapped. I told her Xay not like that and kids is something he doesn't play about."

"Yeah, I know. Our marriage was almost over when he found out I took plan b."

"He crazy girl and was probably still mad even after it didn't work."

I couldn't help but laugh at her statement because it was so true.

"I'm nervous." I said placing one hand on my stomach.

I looked at Konnen and Mayah as they laid there taking their naps. Losing one child and gaining one is never easy and Mayah getting worst by the days. I see why everybody been trying to keep her away from us. You can just see her dying all too real now.

"Xay." Dream said causing me to look back.

"Why you home?" I asked as he rushed pass us.

"Bathroom!" He shouted closing the bedroom door.

"He drove all the way home to take a shit. I will never understand y'all." Dream said laughing.

"Girl them public bathrooms be a mess. That's what I hate about being pregnant, I can't hold it till I get home. I almost fell in a toilet one day, squatting while seven months pregnant in a small stall is not fun." I said causing her to fall back laughing.

"I can't with you."

"What's so funny?" Xayvion asked waking toward us.

He placed a kiss on my lips and then kissed the kids.

"How y'all get Tj to sleep next to Konnen snoring ass?" He asked looking at us.

"It's a mother thing." Dream said.

"You want lunch?"

"Yeah sure thing baby." He said picking up Mayah.

As soon as he picked her up she just laid there in his arms looking at him. Not moving at all. Only thing moving was her chest from her breathing and her eyes.

I could see in Simba eyes that it's killing him for him to see her like this. It's killing me as well because we are getting to the point where she will just pass away and there is nothing we can do about it. There is nothing doctors can do, all they can do is take her out of pain until her final breath.

"Just a sandwich will be fine." He said laying her back down as she slowly closed her eyes.

"You good Xay?" Dream asked him while I started on his sandwich.

"As good as I'm gone be for now." He said taking a place in the couch.

He sat there and just looked at all the kids as the slept. Konnen moving his little legs and arms, Tj fluffing his hair in his sleep, and Mayah just laying there.

"Here baby." I said passing him his sandwich.

"That you." He said kissing me before biting his sandwich. "How many weeks now?" He asked Dream.

"29 weeks and 3 days." She said sighing. "I'm over this little girl. She doing everything Tj didn't do."

"It's gone be okay." He said laughing at her dramatic butt.

"It's not, I'm way bigger with her at 29 weeks then I was with Tj. This not right."

"It's gone be okay Dream."

"You say that now B. Wait till that baby get you all fat and you look back at the pictures you took while pregnant with Konnen. You gone feel some type of way." She said pouting.

"Y'all ladies have a nice afternoon. I'll see you in a few hours baby." Simba said standing up.

He gave me and kiss and then left.

For the rest of the afternoon we ate and played with the kids. We did learning time with the boys and then I did Mayah hair.

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