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Monday, October 24, 2016

Xayvion Taylor,

I just looked at Maja as she tried to convince me to hire her. Am I petty? Yes. Am I paying her any mind? No. Do I feel like hearing my momma's mouth? Nah.

"Xayvion are you paying attention?" She asked causing me to look up from my phone.

"Not at all. Why do you even want to work here?"

"I need a job." She said moving closer to the edge of her seat. "Why you lie to your wife?"

"I don't lie to Bry."

"You told her you haven't seen me since we were kids and I cut your hair."

"So you think your going to blackmail me over dumb shit to get the job? Not going to work. I'll tell Bry my damn self."

"Fine, can you just give me the job."

"Tell me why I should hire your."

"I can show you." She said biting her lip.

I looked at her for a moment and then at the door where Dream was standing.

"Hold the hell." Dream said walking the room.

"Who is she?"

"His wife's crazy friend. Now one of y'all gone start talking or I'm start swinging. Bry pregnant but I'm not." She said dropping her stuff.

"Hold on D." I said standing up.

"So you fucking her?" She asked turning around to me.

"D this my job. I could lose my job behind this. I'm not fucking her and don't want to fuck her. I want to keep my job. I just brought a new house and I have a son on the way. I can't lose my job right now in life."

"Fine." D said picking her stuff back up. "Yo wife made you lunch and said call her if you have to stay later then 5:30 so she know what to do with your dinner." D said looking at me. "I will kill you if you even think to hurt her." Dream said before walking out.

"Am I hired?"

"See I was gone hire you because I'm scared of my momma. But after that shit you just pulled. Hell no, my momma scare me but my wife scare the living shit out me. I'll keep my dick and my life. You not hired." I said shaking my head.

Me and Bryce both have our moments when we say shit that we don't mean but be joking. And I know for a fact that when she talk about cutting a nigga dick off, that is not a joke. Most people don't realize Bryce crazy because she so quiet but shit those are the craziest ones.

"Are you serious."

"As serious as two body builders workout routine." I said getting back on my phone. "You know where the door is."

My Headache 🙄💙👪: I'm try and come home early today.

Wife 💍💙: Why? I thought you was gone make this day a full day. Don't get fired trying to be under me because I don't want to see you all day everyday.

My Headache 🙄💙👪: Once again I HAVE FEELINGS Bryce.


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