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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Bryce Taylor,

A well rested day is really called for. Mekonnen is with his godparents and Xayvion is still sleep.

So this morning is like my quick day of relaxation before Simba wakes up and wants to rub me stomach all day.

I'm officially 19 weeks and well Simba in his feelings. The doctor said he should be about to feel the baby movements at 18 weeks but you know our baby is stubborn and won't move for him at all. It's almost like the baby is making him work for it.

"Where you going?" Simba asked as soon as I sat up.


"Okay." He said turning over.

All you can do is shake your head at him. He not even woke and want to question people.

I finally was able to run my bath after trying to do a number two for thirty minutes.

"You ain't say you was gone take a bath." Simba said walking in the room.

"I said going to the bathroom. Didn't realize you wanted to know what I would be doing in the bathroom." I said looking at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he started using the bathroom.

"I can't use the bathroom."

"You do what the doctor said?"

"No, I'm not taking that stuff. It's nasty."

"Bryce, you can't strain so you have to."

"It's nasty."

"It's chocolate flavored."

"When has anything tasted like the pack said? You know anything dealing with doctors is only half the truth."

"You a trip. Just eat the laxative."

"You eat it."

"I'm not the one having problem shittin'." He said flushing the toilet.

"I can't believe you. How dare you just say like that. It's your fault."

"Yeah whatever. You know that time coming up." He said looking at me.

"What time?"

"To find out the gender."

"The nurse keep hinting at a boy but I wanna be surprised."

"What you mean?"

"I don't want to know the gender until I have the baby. You can know but I don't want to know."

"You don't think it's gone kill you to want to know?"

"Nope." I said while taking my pajamas off, well taking Simba shirt off.


"You can know it, if you want."

"I might slip and tell you."


"We can let Ty find out and let him do the baby room."


Ty vision of design is amazing. He is really good, especially with kids rooms.

"I'll text him and let him know." He said while taking his clothes off.

"Okay." I said while getting in the tub.

Once I was comfortable Simba joined me.

"Ion think the baby like me." He said while his hands rested on my stomach.

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