Chapter 101

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Next morning I woke up to the disgusting sound of the alarm and after I left the bed, took a shower and called Zayn to wake him up so I could be sure that he'd come to school. After I dialing his number while I was getting dressed to my school uniform, he answered just the moment I was about to end the call.

"Nessie" He said with hoarse voice from sleep.

"I just called to wake you up and don't miss school again." I said calmly while my voice was still a bit raspy from sleep as well and looked at my shoes wondering what I should wear.

"Oh. You didn't have to, I'd come either way." He murmured and I'm sure he still had his eyes shut trying to wake up.

"Actually I won't hung up until you open your eyes and start getting ready for school." I responded seriously and after putting the call on speaker I started doing my hair.

" You're so demanding in the mornings." He chuckled as I heard him doing something.

"I know so go and have a shower then get ready." I said strictly after putting on my contacts and then some mascara carefully.

I don't usually do my makeup in the morning when I'm going to school, mostly some mascara from time to time and some lip balm because my lips are extremely sensitive and the weather doesn't really help most of the year.

"If you're so strict in the mornings then we should talk only after nine baby girl." He chuckled again and for me it's enough to hear him so happy in the morning so I put to the side what he says.

"Nonsense Malik I just hadn't eaten anything and my belly is rumbling. What are you doing right now?" I giggled the moment I was putting on my red blazer.

"I'm at the bathroom naked and about to have a shower but you're disturbing me." He said calmly making my cheeks turn red.

"Oh..Uhm..I should hung up then." I murmured awkwardly and heard him laughing.

"Okay love talk to you later." He answered and before we end the call I heard the water running.

After taking my pastel pink Mansur Gabriel leather backpack I walked downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast because my stomach was really rumbling I let my backpack on one of the armchairs in the living room then walked to the kitchen where my parents were with my brother.

"Good morning." I said kissing my dad's cheek then took a red velvet cupcake from the tray where Emily had placed them.

I poured some water in my mug that was in front of me then threw a Twinings black teabag in and after that I added some milk.

"Good morning sweetie I told Emily to make your favorite meal today." She said smiling. I'm sure she told Emily to make my favorite just because I've started eating less lately and of course my mum make sure to know if her children eat properly, no matter how old we are.

So every time I don't eat as much she tells Emily to make my favorite meal just because she knows I can't resist.

"Great! We haven't had lasagna for a long time." I giggled and finished my cupcake.

When I was done with my breakfast I said goodbye to my parents took my backpack from the armchair and headed to the garage to take my car while Liam was behind me I could hear him but I didn't do anything and after getting in my car I called Zayn again to make sure he was on his way to school. I put my phone on speaker while waiting for him to answer then turned on the engine and headed to school.

"Nessie! What a pleasant surprise, we haven't talked for over half an hour. It's either that you can't stay away from me for a minute or you want to check on me every single moment to make sure I'm not cheating on you with one from my thousands of fans." He said seriously and I started laughing.

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