Chapter 24

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"Finally a time that your room is perfectly made." Christin said with a smile.

"And the bed is perfectly made." Natalie laughed.

Christin is so, addicted on having everything perfect and clean. Natalie always makes sure to have her bed made and her room cleaned. Otherwise, I'm cluttered and even though I like it clean, I'm always bored of cleaning it. Yeah! My room is beautiful with white, blue and orange details and my bed is separated from the rest of the room with a white and black curtain which is hanging around it from the ceiling, but come on who's not bored of cleaning

"I decided to clean it a little." I said with a smile

"You rarely clean only when the school starts, on your birthday, on Christmas and Easter and when the school ends." Caitlin listed everything.

"And when I have a boyfriend too!" I said as I gave them their bath suits that I had on my room like they have too because it's comfortable when we decide to spend some time at our houses' pools.

"Right she has a boyfriend now and she has to keep it clean..." Jessica laughed.

"And her bed too.” Caitlin smirked and we laughed harder.

"You're a whore." I told her still laughing.





"Aye stop talking like that ladies. We mustn't talk that way." Christin said in a sophisticated way.

We looked at the others and started laughing hard again. Caitlin and I talk to each other that way for fun all the time. Christin is the one who stops us all the time because we can do this all day. When we got ready Natalie opened the door to get out but Zayn was standing there ready to knock the door.

"Whoa...Zayn be careful with your hand!" She laughed because he almost hit her with his hand.

"Sorry I was ready to knock and..." He apologized.

"Yeah okay. Are we going downstairs or we'll stay here all day?" Caitlin snapped.

"Yeah...of course." He said and walked out of the way so we can get out but then he grabbed my arm not letting me walk out "I want to talk with you, so girls you can go down, we'll come in a while."

"Okay!" Jessica said awkwardly.

The girls walked downstairs and Zayn let go of my arm and got my hand in his. He played for a while with our fingers and he closed the door. With my hand still in his he got me to the white couch that was in my room. He sat and he put me on his lap.

"What's going on Zayn?" I said nervous while he was caressing my hair and kissing my shoulder.

"Nothing babe." He smiled.

"But you said that we need to talk..."

"I just said it to make the girls leave so we can stay alone for a while."

"C'mon Zayn, you got me nervous!" I explained and got in his hug.

"I'm sorry love; I just wanted to spend a little time with you." He said sadly.

"Yeah okay but you have to stand up now because the fucking couch will be destroyed from the pool's water!" I said and covered my mouth with my hands instantly. "I meant you know..." I mumbled and looked him while he was laughing hard. "Why are you laughing?" I looked at him sad and he pushed me slightly and stood up with me, he pulled some hair behind my ear and smiled again.

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