Chapter 97

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"Hello munchkin. How are you doing?" Liam exclaimed when he got in my car and hugged me tight.

What should I say? Everything's perfect Liam, there's just a minor problem, my boyfriend's and your best friend's dad is dying. You know who I'm talking about right? The one who used to play football with you and his son every single time our own father didn't have time for you because of his endless trials.

"I'm a bit tired still from my flight and studying, but other than that everything's good. How was your trip?" I asked trying to push away the thoughts while I was driving home.

"Oh... Paris was amazing like always. I wish you were all there too. We should have gone with our parents when they told us to. The weather was perfect and the Eiffel Tower and the town as magical as always. Let's not talk about the museums and the restaurants. Magnifique!" He kept talking and talking about Paris and everything that took place there, but I didn't listen half of them because my mind was running to Zayn at the moment.

We haven't talked for over two hours and I'm pretty sure that they've told him about his father health issue by now.

"There's something wrong munchkin and you're not telling me." He said the moment I parked my car on my spot in the garage.

"Uhm... No, nothing's wrong. I just didn't rest at all since I arrived as I told you, but luckily I have Sunday to relax before I go back to school." I tried to cover it up and after he took his suitcase from the trunk I locked my car and walked in the house quickly.

If I call him now he may not pick up the phone, but if I go to his place it will be extremely uncomfortable. Right now they probably don't want any visitors even though they know us since we were born, I wish I knew what is suitable in a situation like this. I'll just call him and even if he won't pick up I'll know I tried and I don't care what is suitable or not. I grabbed my phone from my jacket's pocket and after unlocking it I called his contact.

"Hello?" He said as soon as he picked up on the third ring.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I asked and sat on the built in window seat that had a pink, black and white seat cushion taking one of the pink pillows in my hands.

"Nessie can I come by?" I heard him sigh after he spoke and thought that he probably knows now.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be waiting for you." I answered and he hung up immediately then I heard a soft knock on my bedroom's white door. "Come in." I stood up and started putting in place the books from my white desk as Liam came inside that room.

"What are you doing?" He murmured and sat on the hanging acrylic bubble chair on the one corner of the room.

"I'm just cleaning up a little, I need to get my schedule fixed. What have you got there?" I asked showing him the white Pandora bag with the little pink ribbon.

"Oh... Yeah. This is a little present for you." He gave me the bag with a cut grin on his lips. "It's Disney themed. I know how much you love Disney movies and when you were asking mum and dad for one you were punished and they didn't let you get it, so here it is." He scratched the back of his neck and placed his elbows on his knees while sitting on the chair.

"Thanks Liam. You didn't have to get me a present at all." I opened the box and looked at the bracelet, it's just perfect filled with light purple and silver charms from my favorite Disney movie, Tangled.

"Your present is in my closet with the others. Give me a minute." I said as I placed the bracelet on my wrist and walked to my closet so I could give my brother his present.

If I Die Young ||Justin Bieber & 1D||Where stories live. Discover now