Chapter 44

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I followed him and we went to the back side of the school between a few trees where nobody could see us. He then took a packet of cigarettes out his pocket and grabbed one. He placed it on his mouth and lighted it up casually.

"Don't smoke here, someone could see you any minute." I snapped and took the cigarette from his mouth.

"Renesmee give me the cigarette he snapped back and tilted his arm to me to give it back.

"Zayn..." I almost begged him.

"I said give me the damn cigarette!" He demanded and I gave it back to him. I'm not afraid of him I just don't want to infuriate him.

"What's wrong?" I asked and caressed his cheek but he pushed it away.

"You know that I can't see you being that excited and talk like that about someone else, the way that you'd talk about me." He murmured and place the cigarette between his lips.

"You're not angry because I was talking about my history teacher." I said unable to believe it.

"Yes, I am to be honest!" He snapped and let the smoke escape his lips.

"Baby, what you don't understand is that I may tell that a guy is handsome and all but for me you're the one that I care about, the one that I sleep and wake up with the thought of." I said and moved my face closer to his so our lips where just touching softly.

"I can't listen to you talking about others, I can't imagine you being with anyone else, kissing you, touching you, hugging you." He mumbled and kissed me.

It felt like it was a goodbye kiss, like it was the last time he'd be kissing me. It was different, like he was he was thirsty for that kiss. It was slow and violent, he was trying to show me that I'm only his and no one else's. After a few minutes he stopped the kiss and placed his forehead on mine. We were both breathless and Zayn's breath with that scent of cigarette was hitting my face. He looked in my eyes and moments later he smirked and hugged me tight.

"You're mine! Only mine..." He announced.

"So that's a announcement or just a fact that I have to remember?" I giggled.

"That's the truth. You belong with me and no one else. No one will ever treat you like I do baby." He murmured and threw the cigarette that was now burnt on the ground.

Do I really belong with him? I'm only sixteen how can he say such thing? I know that he loves me, but who knows what will happen in the future, we may break up and end up with people that we never imagined, we may start disagree and fight over everything and suddenly we have nothing in common and no interest on each other, it's natural we can't control fate.

"What are you thinking?" He whispered and caressed my cheek with his thumb. It's really crazy how from fighting and yelling to each other we end up making out and caring about each other this much.

"Nothing... Uhm... Zayn, will you still love me if we break up? I mean even in a friendly way like a family friend as we were before or something." I mumbled terrified to hear his answer.

I need his love, even when we weren't together I knew that he loved me, he had told me many times. He has to love me, I've never lived without it and I feel that I won't be able to live without his love. I know him since the day I was born there are millions of pictures with him and Liam playing with me when I wasn't a year old and it would be really hard for me to lose him.

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