How you met

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Ciel Phantomhive- You were walking through London in the rain. What am I going to do? You thought. I shouldn't of ran away. You thought. Eventually you ran into a boy wearing a jacket and hat. Oops I'm so sorry. You quickly apologized. No, it's okay. He said. But may I ask your name? He asked. I'm F/N L/N sir. You said. Well F/N I'm Ciel Phantomhive. He said. What are you doing out here by yourself? He asked. I'm looking for a place to stay. You said and moved a strand of your H/C hair out of your face. Well F/N you can work at my estate. Ciel said. You smiled. Thank you. You said. He nodded. Come. He said and you walked next to him.

Sebastian- You worked as a maid for Madam Red but she gave you to her nephew Ciel Phantomhive. Your the new maid. Ciel said. Y-yes young master. You said and bowed. Sebastian train her to be a good maid. Yes young master. The tall black haired butler said. Let's go Miss F/N. He said. You blushed and walked with the butler named Sebastian.

Alois Trancy- You were Ciel's younger fraternal twin. Ciel do I have to go to the Trancy residence with? You whined. Yes F/N. He said getting annoyed. You sighed and went to the Trancy residence for a ball. Ugh I hate balls. You thought. Welcome everyone. A boy with blonde hair said. You blushed at the sight of him. He's cute. You thought. I'm sorry I took long but please have fun. He said. So, this is Alois Trancy. You heard Ciel say. Ciel I'm going to get something to eat. You told your older twin. Okay F/N.  You went to get a snack. I don't think I met you before. The blonde haired boy said. I'm F/N Phantomhive. You said. It's very nice to meet you F/N I'm Alois Trancy. He introduced. Would you like to dance? He asked with his hand out. I would love to dance. You said and accepted his hand with a light blush on your face.

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