You Throw a Ball

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Ciel Phantomhive- You wanted to throw a surprise ball and you had it all planned out. Sebastian can you take Ciel out and don't return for like 30 minutes and get Ciel a mask? You asked. Yes Lady F/N. Sebastian said. You had the guest list planned out and everyone knew the time. Baldroy, Finny, Mey Rin the second Ciel and Sebastian leaves I want you to start setting everything up. I said. Yes Lady F/N. They said in unison. F/N come here. Ciel said. What is it? You asked. Sebastian has news so I will be stepping out for a moment. Ciel said. Okay bye. You said and kissed his cheek. Bye F/N. He said and walked out. The servants were setting everything up and it looked stunning and the food looked amazing and so did the decorations. It was a masquerade ball so you had a red mask and a long red dress. You walked downstairs and the servants were staring. You look gorgeous. Mey Rin said. You look so pretty. Finny said. You look gorgeous. Baldroy said. Thank you so much. You said. The guests are arriving. You said happily. You walked into the front and greeted the guests. Once everyone was in you saw Ciel pull up wearing a mask and a suit. You got everyone quiet. Our guest of honor is here welcome! You announced. Everyone clapped and everyone proceeded. You found Ciel. Ciel. You said. F/N. He said. What is the meaning of this? He asked. I thought it would be fun. You said. It looks fun but I would of liked if you let me know beforehand. He said. Maybe next time. You said and kissed his cheek. As for now let's dance. You said and dragged him to the dance floor.

Sebastian- Young Master. You said. What is it? He asked. Can we throw a ball not like a big fancy one but a tiny one with you and the other servants and Lizzie to take a break? You asked. It sounds like a good idea. He said. Don't tell Sebastian please. You said. I won't but you need to keep him out of the mansion I'll get Lizzie to help. Ciel said. Okay I'll get Sebastian. You said. You ran to find Sebastian. Sebastian the Young Master said we need to go to the market Lady Elizabeth is coming over. You said. Okay F/N let's go. Sebastian said. You and Sebastian went to the market. I absolutely love the market. You said. I imagine you would. Sebastian said and hugged you. You guys went back to the manor and walked in. Welcome F/N and Sebastian. Mey Rin said. The room was decorated very nicely with streamers and a buffet. Surprise. You said. You did this? Sebastian asked. I asked the Young Master if we could have a little ball and he agreed. You said. That's amazing may I have this dance? Sebastian asked holding out his hand. You may. You said and took his hand.

Alois Trancy- You saw Claude downstairs cleaning. Claude. You said. Can you make sure Alois is out of the manor for thirty minutes right now? You asked. Whatever you say Lady F/N. Claude said. Okay. You said. Hana! You called. Yes Lady F/N? She asked. When Alois leaves we need to decorate I invited nobles over to have a ball. You said. F/N! Alois yelled. You ran to Alois. Yes Alois? You asked. I'm leaving I should be back soon. He said. Okay. You said and kissed his cheek. I'll miss you. He said. I'll miss you too. You said. With that he left with Claude. Hana, Triplets let's go we need to get this place decorated now and get a buffet going! You yelled. Yes Lady F/N! They all said. You went your room and got changed into a light pink dress with flats and you braided your H/C hair. You walked downstairs and the room was fully decorated. You look lovely. Hana said. Thank you. You said. It's perfect. You said. And just in time. You added. Hana and the triplets greeted the guests as they arrived in. You saw everyone and about ten minutes later you saw Alois arrive. Alois walked in with Claude. You walked over to them. Surprise! You yelled and smiled. You did this? Alois asked surprised. Yes I did. You said. I'm surprised you managed to keep something from me. Alois said. Well my dear F/N may I have this dance? He asked. You may. You said and grabbed his hand and you two danced the night away.

Claude- Alois! You yelled. What is it F/N? Alois asked. I need you to take Claude out I'm planning something for him. You said. Okay I'll take a trip with him. Alois said. Claude! He yelled. Yes Your Highness? Claude asked. We need to get clothes. Alois said. Okay let's go. Claude said. I'll have to go bye F/N. Claude said. Bye. You said. He left and you raced to Hana and the Triplets. Guys we need to get to work it's just going to be us but it needs to be special. You said. Yes Lady F/N. They said. You put on a light green dress and shoes and left your hair down. Claude arrived and everything was set up.  Surprise Claude! You yelled and hugged him. You planned this? Claude asked. Yes and I managed to do it without you knowing. You said proudly. He smirked. You are getting better at being secretive. Claude said. Would you like to dance? You asked. Let's dance. He said and grabbed your hand.

Grell- You got Ciel to agree that you were going to have a mini ball at his mansion with you, Grell, his servants and Elizabeth. You wore a sky blue dress with shoes and you arrived and everything was set up. Princess F/N. Everyone said and bowed. There is no need for formalities. You said. F/N will be fine. You said. They nodded. F/N your dress is so pretty. Elizabeth said. Thank you Lady Elizabeth. You said. Lizzie is fine. She said with a cheery smile. You smiled back. Okay Lizzie. You said. You waited for Grell to arrive. Grell walked in. You hugged him. Surprise. You whispered. You kissed his cheek. This is amazing F/N. Grell said. Come everyone it's time to get this party started. You said with a smile. Ciel danced with Elizabeth while you and Grell danced all night.

Finny- You wanted to through a ball for Finny. Finny can you pick up something for me at the boutique? You asked. Okay is it under your name? He asked. Yes it is. You said. Okay I'll go now. He said and kissed your cheek. Bye. You said. He waved bye. Ciel, Lizzie, Baldroy, Sebastian, Mey Rin. We need to decorate this place quickly. You said. Okay I'll start decorating with Ciel. Lizzie said. Okay I'm going to get ready and then I'll help with the decorating. You said and you raced upstairs. You put on a violet dress with violet shoes and you left your H/C down. You look pretty. Lizzie said. Thanks. You said. You started to help decorate. Finny walked in wearing the tux. It fits I'm so glad and I'm glad the lady persuaded you to wear it. You said and hugged him. This ball is for you. You said. Really? He asked. Yes Finny I love you and I wanted to show it. You said. He smiled. I love you to and he kissed you. Awwwwww. Lizzie and the other servants gushed and it caused you and Finny to blush.

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