You take a Vacation together

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Ciel Phantomhive- F/N where are you?! Ciel yelled. What is it? You asked. Can you come here? He asked. You ran to his study and you saw Ciel with a serious face. What's wrong? You asked. F/N you know I love you right? Ciel asked. Yes I do and I love you too. You said. Well we are taking a vacation. Ciel said with a little smile. What?! Really?! You yelled. He nodded. You smiled. Ciel. You said and hugged him and kissed his cheek. Where are we going? You asked. Houndsworth. He answered. Is this for work? You asked. I'm taking you there for us. He said. Okay. You said. You both had a great vacation that was very odd.

Sebastian- Sebastian where are you going? You asked. I'm taking you and the young master on a little trip. He said. Like a vacation. You said excited. Exactly so. He said. You smiled at him. You both went to a beautiful lake with Ciel. You both had fun doing many things besides saving Ciel.

Alois Trancy- F/N come on! Alois yelled being impatient. I'm coming! You called back. You fixed your H/C hair and you raced downstairs. There you are. Alois said with a smile. Here I am. You said. So where are we going? You asked. We are taking a nice little vacation. Alois said. We are really?! You asked excited. Yes F/N we are. Alois said with a chuckle. You and Alois were traveling to a vacation home he has. Well now I know where to go if I ever need to get away. You said with a laugh. Now I know where to find you. Alois said. Your Highness I placed yours and Your Majesty's bags in your room. Claude said. Thank you Claude. Alois said. Claude bowed and leaved. What shall we do first? Alois asked. We shall go swimming. You said. Race you. You said and you ran to go to the water. Cheater! You heard Alois call.

Claude- Claude can you come here! You yelled. What is it? He asked. Can you tell me where we are going with Alois? You asked. That is a surprise. Claude said. You rolled your eyes at that answer. How will I know what to pack if I don't know where we are going? You asked. Just pick and choose. Claude said. You finished packing and you arrived at your destination. Wow. You said astonished as you looked at the house. Shall we? Claude asked. We shall. You saw and grabbed his hand and walked into the house.

Grell- You wanted to take a trip with Grell. Mom I'm taking a three day trip. You said. Okay. She said. You waited in your room for Grell to arrive. Grell came to the window. Grell we are taking a trip on a boat for awhile. You said. Okay why? He asked. I want to take a trip with you. You said. Lead the way F/N.  Grell said. You and Grell were walking to the boats and you got a boat. Where are we going? He asked. I don't know wherever the water and wind takes us. You said. How fun. He said. The boat was moving and you two had a wonderful trip and a bunch of close calls. Watch out for the rock! You yelled. Ahh! You yelled as the boat made a quick turn. This isn't that relaxing. Grell said.

Finny- Ciel can I steal Finny for about five days? You asked. Why? He asked. I want to take a vacation with him. You said. Fine do whatever it's not like I care. He said. Thanks Ciel. You said and ran to Finny. Finny pack up we are going on a trip. You said to Finny. What really did the Young Master approve? Finny asked. I already got his approval. You said. Get to packing Finny. Baldroy said. Yes Finny start packing. Mey Rin said. Finny packed and you two got into the carriage. Where are we going? He asked. We are going to my family's vacation house in a little town. You said. Is anyone else going to be there? Finny asked. No just us. You said. The carriage stopped and you both got out. He kissed your cheek. What do you want to do first? He asked. Maybe eat something I'm hungry. You said. Okay I'll make you something to eat. Finny said. You kissed his cheek and hugged him. Thanks. You said smiling and he smiled back.

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