You Go to a Ball Together

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Ciel Phantomhive- F/N please get ready we are going to a ball for Viscount Druitt .  Ciel said. We are? Are you excited? You asked. I don't like balls. He said. I like them. You asked. Of course you do. He said. Hey I'll make you like them. You said determination filled your voice. Okay. He said and rolled his eyes. You quickly change to a black and red gown with black bows.  You arrived at the ball with Ciel and Sebastian. You both walked into the ball room and saw everything and everyone. I think I see Elizabeth. You told Ciel. She adores balls. He said. You saw Sebastian whisper to Ciel and Ciel. F/N I need to step out for a moment but I'll meet you by the buffet table. He said. Okay. I said a little sad. You walked to the dance floor and saw Elizabeth. Your dress is absolutely adorable. She gushed. Thank you. You said. I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie. She said. I'm F/N. You said. Does she really not remember me? You thought. I'll be off then. You said. Bye. She said. You walked to where the snacks were. You saw a girl in a pink dress and a hat with pigtails walking with the Viscount. It's probably nothing. You told yourself but had a bad feeling. Where is Ciel? You wondered. And Sebastian is gone. You added. You waited by the table and felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned and saw Ciel. Where were you? You asked. Handling something. He said. Well the ball is over. You said gloomy. I'm sorry F/N I'll make it up to you at the manor. He said. Okay. You said. You arrived  at the manor. You walked through the door and saw Sebastian holding a violin and started playing it. Would you like to dance? Ciel asked. I would love to. You said.

Sebastian- Ciel was holding a ball because of Lady Elizabeth. You put on a maid dress. Are you excited for the ball? Sebastian asked. I'll be working it so not really. You said and laughed. I can't wait. You said. Even if I am working. Well F/N I'll be leaving you Ciel needs me. Sebastian said and kissed your hand. You were at the dance watching everything to make sure nothing was out of order. You watched as every noble was dancing including Ciel and Elizabeth. You quietly sighed. F/N would you like to dance? Sebastian asked. Yes I would. You said happy and you felt like you were walking on air.

Alois Trancy- Alois was throwing a ball and invited every noble including Ciel.  F/N are you excited for the ball? Alois asked. Yes I am. You said smiling. Good I'm so excited. Alois asked. He left the room. You changed into a dark blue gown with black flowers on it. You walked down to the ball room and saw Ciel. Ciel! You called to him. F/N how are you? He asked. I'm great. You said. Suddenly Alois walked up behind you and kissed your cheek. Alois get your filthy lips off my sister!  Ciel yelled. I'm sorry if your sister did not inform you but she's my girlfriend. He said. You smiled. Sebastian and Ciel faced were astonished and in horror. I think I'm going to be sick. Ciel said. I would of been fine if you dated Finny over Trancy. Ciel said. Well I like Alois and I don't care what you think. You said and you and Alois walked off to dance.

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