Alois x Reader

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You wanted to surprise Alois with something so you had Claude set up a treasure hunt with a reward and you didn't know the reward or the hints but you knew it would be fun. Alois! You called. What is it F/N? He asked. Can you come here? You asked. Alois ran to you. It's time for the treasure hunt. You said with a smile. I'm in. He said. Good because you weren't getting out of it. You said with a smirk. He smiled. What's the first hint? He asked. Claude gave you the first clue. You read it and it said.
"The next clue is hidden somewhere pretty"
Is the clue you F/N? Alois asked. You blushed. Haha very funny. You said. The garden. You both said in unison. You looked into the bushes and so did Alois. Here it is! Alois yelled and waved it.
"The next clue is somewhere close by it's up tall" Alois read. A tree? You asked. That would make sense. Alois said. You both scanned the trees. Wait look up there! You yelled and pointed. There it is. Alois said with a smile. I can climb that. You said and began to climb. Don't hurt yourself. Alois said with concern. I won't. You said and you continued to climb. Just don't look down. You thought. You grabbed the paper and a sudden gust of wind came and knocked you out of the tree. Ahh! You yelled. You closed your eyes and you expected to hit the ground but you didn't you opened your eyes and Alois caught you. I'm so glad I caught you. Alois said and put you down and hugged you. I got the clue. You said with a goofy grin. He shook his head and sighed. What does it say? He asked.
"This is the final clue you need to find the destination and answer a question and you get your prize the destination is hidden deep". You read. Follow me. Alois said and you followed Alois and he showed you a secret location. Wow. You said in amazement. You two walked up to see Claude. What's the question? You asked.

How did you two meet? Claude asked. That's easy we met at a ball. You said. Then I asked her for her name and I asked her to dance. Alois said. It was the best moment of my life. Alois said with a smile and kissed your cheek. Correct. Claude said. He held out a box and Alois took the box and he opened it and it had a note. What does it say? You asked. It says
"The greatest reward you can have is your love and you two have that already so your prize is your love". Alois said. You smiled and blushed and he smiled. That's very true. He said. It is and I love you. You said. I love you too F/N. Alois said with a smile.

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