You tell Him a Secret

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Ciel Phantomhive- You were pacing around your room nervous and Ciel walked in. F/N  what's wrong? Ciel asked. You sighed. What if I told you I have a secret? You asked. I would ask what that secret is. He said. How would you react? You questioned. Depends on the secret. He stated. F/N please tell me. He said. I'm not what I seem to be. You said. How? He asked. Remember when you found me and made me a maid? You asked. Obviously. He said. Well I was running away from my family. You said. Are you a noble? He asked. You shook your head no. I am a baker more or less and my best friend was a noble. You admitted. Alois? He asked. He's not my best friend anymore but he was. You said. You scared me for a second I thought you were going to say you cheated. Ciel sighed in relief.

Sebastian- Sebastian guess what. You said. What? He asked. I'm a noble. You said. What?! He yelled confused. I ran away from my family because I didn't want to be a noble and I didn't like my noble blood so I just hid from them. You said. Does anyone else know? He asked. No my parents kept me hidden they always doted on my brother and sister. You said. I love you no matter what. Sebastian said. You smiled and blushed.

Alois Trancy- You were walking around the mansion with Alois. You know Alois when I was younger I was more like Ciel and Ciel was more like me. You said. Really? He asked. Yep eventually he hid himself because of his title while I didn't and I became more energetic to keep the mansion happy and myself happy. You said. I will always love you no matter what. Alois said and kissed your cheek.

Claude- F/N who was your past  boyfriend before me? Claude asked. Why? You asked. I'm curious. He said showing no emotion. He was a noble named William Stome. You said. Why did you break up with him? He asked. It wasn't love. You said. What do you love? Claude asked. You with all my heart.  You said and kissed his cheek.

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