He tells you how he feels

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Ciel Phantomhive- F/N may you follow me? Sebastian asked. Buy first can you put on this dress? Sebastian said and handed me a black and white dress. Okay. You said and shut the door and put on the dress with matching black flats.  You left your H/L H/C hair down so, you could see your E/C eyes. Are you ready Lady F/N? Sebastian asked. Yes I'm ready. You said. You two walked to the dining area where everything was set up nicely. This is so nice. You said in amazement and looked at the beautiful white flowers sat in the middle of table. The Young Master will be here shortly. Sebastian said and walked off. I wonder why Ciel wants to see me. You thought. Hello F/N. Ciel said. Hello Ciel. You said. You look very lovely. He said nervously. Thank you. You said with a light blush on your face. F/N, what if I told you that you wouldn't need to work as a maid for me anymore? He asked. Are you firing me? You asked scared. Absolutely not. He said shocked. Then what is it? You asked. The reason I called off the engagement with Lady Elizabeth is because I like you. Ciel said blushing. I don't expect you to like me back but I wanted to let you know and I don't care about the politics of it. He added with his cheeks having a light pink color to them.  Ciel. You began. I like you too. You said happily. Lady F/N Young Master the food is done. Sebastian said holding a platter of food. Ciel held out the chair for you and you two talked and ate for hours on end.

Sebastian- You were cleaning the kitchen as Baldroy messed it up again. Sorry F/N. Baldroy said. I'm a maid I like cleaning. You said. He left when Sebastian walked in. I'm sorry you have to clean all this. Sebastian said. It's no trouble. I said. Let me help you. Sebastian said and cleaned the whole kitchen in two minutes flat. Your amazing. I said. He smirked. So are you. He said. Listen F/N I notched your jealousy of me helping Mey Rin. He said. You held your breath and looked away. I wanted to tell you that I like you. He said. You turned around your cheeks red as a tomato. I- I like you too. You said blushing. I know. He said. So that means we are dating. You said. It does. He said. Sebastian! You heard Ciel yell. Well my dear I must go. Sebastian said and then kissed your hand. You stood there blushing with your mouth dropped.

Alois Trancy- Lady F/N please follow me. Claude said. Okay. You said. Where are we going? You asked. You'll see in due time. Claude said. You found yourself in the ball room with many decorations hanged up. Lady F/N. Alois said. Hi Alois. You said. You look absolutely stunning. He said. Thank you Alois. You said. Shall we dance? Alois asked. You giggled and took his hand. You two danced to a slow song. That was amazing. You said. F/N will you give me the honor of becoming my girlfriend? He asked. Yes. You said. His face brightened up and you two danced the night away.

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