Playing a Prank on Him

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Ciel Phantomhive- You were friends with Alois and you two planned a fake kidnapping to see if Ciel cares even to do something. You got kidnapped by Claude and Alois wrote a note. Do you think he will care? You asked. I'm certain he will. Alois said. (Ciel's POV)
F/N I'm home! He yelled. How strange she usually comes down immediately. I mumbled. Young Master Lady F/N has been kidnapped! Finny yelled. What! I yelled my eyes widened. How do you know? I asked. This note and a window is broken. Mey Rin said handing me the note. It read "If you want F/N back in one piece you better get to my Manor quick. Or else F/N won't last" Alois. Alois did it! I yelled. Sebastian let's go. I ordered. Yes Young Master. Sebastian said. F/N hang on. I said. I arrived at Trancy's house. I opened the door with a sword in my hand. Where is she Trancy! I yelled. It was the Queen's wishes to end her. He said. Here. He said and tossed me the paper. No it can't be. I saw F/N trapped in a cage. I'm sorry Ciel. She said and her nose started bleeding. Trancy! I yelled with a sword in my hand. I lunged at him. Ciel! I heard F/N yell. She stood up and started to laugh and so did Alois. What's so funny? I asked. It was a prank. She said. The paper. He said. Fake. She said. The blood. I stated. Still fake. She said. It was to see if you cared about me. She said. I ran to her and kissed her. I love you I would do anything for you. I said. She cried in my arms and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the carriage.

Sebastian- Finny! You called. Yes F/N? He asked. Want to play a prank on Sebastian? You asked. What's the prank? He asked. Pretend to yell at me. You said. That sounds more like a job for the Young Master. He said. Okay. You said. You decided to pretend to get in trouble with Ciel and Ciel was okay with it. We waited for Sebastian to get close by. F/N you are the most worthless maid I have ever had you are fired! Ciel yelled at me. You started to fake cry. Sebastian was wide eyed. F/N what happened? He asked. I got fired. You said. No this isn't real. He said. Your right it isn't you have been pranked! You yelled. He hugged you don't scare me again. He yelled.

Alois Trancy-  Claude want to prank Alois? You asked. He smirked I'm all ears. He said. You devised a plan to run away. You packed your things and walked down to see Alois. F/N. He said. What's the occasion? He asked. Alois I'm so so so sorry but I'm leaving you. You said. What!? He yelled. But I love you. He said. Don't go F/N please don't go! He cried. You walked out and it hurt you more than ever. I love you and always will! You heard him sob. I hurt him so much. You thought. You walked back in and saw Alois crying terribly. Alois you have been pranked! You yelled. Your not leaving me? He asked getting up. I'm not leaving. You said. Oh F/N! He yelled and hugged you don't ever do that to me again. He whispered. I won't my love I won't. You said.

Claude- You didn't want to hurt Claude but wanted to prank him. Alois want to do I'm cheating prank on Claude? You asked. I love that idea. He said. Okay tonight we will do it. You said. Okay. He said. (Claude's POV)
I saw a female in Alois's room and him saying I love you. F/N isn't around is she cheating on me? I thought. Your highness there's some stuff  we need to dis-. I stopped when I saw F/N and Alois holding hands. F/N I loved you. I started. Do you not love me? I asked. She sighed. Claude... She began. You have been pranked F/N style! She yelled laughing. You had me scared. I said. I know. She said and kissed my cheek.

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