You get Jealous

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Ciel Phantomhive- You and Ciel were forced to go to a ball for business from the Queen. The project was to get a noble to fall for Ciel as not everyone knew you two were married. I don't like this. You muttered. I don't either but it is work from the Queen. He sighed. But what if you fall for her? You asked your eyes filled with worry. He held your hands My Queen I would never fall for someone besides you. He said relieving your worry. Okay My King I trust you. You said. You arrived at the ball but to make it look like you two weren't together you arrived at separate times. He left first and five minutes later you entered the ball with your blue dress. You saw Ciel with a bunch of noble girls talking to them and one was quite persistent and you saw her drag him to a room deeper in the castle. You ran to find him and you came to the area you saw her drag him off to. There's so many rooms. You thought. Get off me! Ciel yelled. You heard a voice that sounded like Ciel coming from the door behind you. You opened the door and saw the noble trying to kiss him and Ciel fighting her back. Who are you? She asked. You gave no introduction and pushed her off Ciel and glared at her. You kissed him and he kissed back to show her he was off the market. Your just a peasant! She yelled. How do you know? You asked. I am the Earl Phantomhive's wife. You stated proudly. You walked off with Ciel. Young Master are you okay? Sebastian asked. I am fine F/N saved me. Ciel said with a tiny smile. You were jealous. He whispered in your ear. No I wasn't. You said. Sure you weren't maybe I should flirt with other girls around you a lot. Ciel said with a smirk. You better not or I'll wipe that smirk off your face. You said. He chuckled and kissed your cheek. Let's go My Queen. He said.

Sebastian- You were watching Sebastian and Mey Rin work together. You knew she liked Sebastian. But you worried that he liked her back because you saw him whisper something in her ear that made her blush. You glared at the sight of them together. He wrapped his arms around her. I can't watch this. You thought and cleaned somewhere else. You didn't notice the smirking butler when you left. My Precious are you jealous? Sebastian asked. Me jealous? No way. You said. Then why did you leave? Sebastian asked. I was finished cleaning Bassy. You said. He made an annoyed face at that word. Bassy is your new nickname. You said proudly. It doesn't hide the fact that you were jealous. He said with a smirk. Be quiet. You said.

Alois Trancy- You were by the stairs while Alois was getting ready. You heard a knock on the door and Hana opened it. You saw a girl with blonde hair green eyes. Who is she? You thought. You must be new help. She said to you hang this up. She added and threw her jacket on you. I'll take that Lady F/N. Hana said. Who is she? You asked. Your highness's first love. Hana said. You walked up to see Alois and his first love hugging. It broke your heart. A- Alois. You barely got out. Tears filled your eyes and you ran to the garden and hid behind bushes crying. Love! He yelled to try and find you. You looked up and saw him. Are you crying? He asked. Why wouldn't I you hugged your first love! You yelled. She was never my first love it is true I loved her but not her personality only her appearance you are my one true love F/N no one will ever change that. He said and hugged you. So don't cry for me please. He added. I won't. You said and you both smiled.

Claude- You were watching Claude and Hana talk. You knew that Hana didn't like him that way and she was your friend but he could like her. He could want someone who isn't a noble. You thought. You felt annoyed watching them together. Am I jealous? You thought. You saw Hana laugh about something. You humphed and walked over to Claude. Hello my dear Princess. He said and smiled. Hello my Prince. You said. Hana walked away. You were jealous. He said with a smirk. I was not. You said. Then why did I hear you humph. He said. You were shocked. You were jealous admit it. He said. I was. You said. I knew it he said. You have nothing to worry about. He added and kissed your cheek.

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