Alois One Shot

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Your brother was Ciel and you are married to Alois much to his dismay. You stayed with Alois and he invited Ciel over to have a dual and so their butlers could fight on a chess table. You were walking with Alois to see Ciel. Alois please be careful. You said. I will be trust me Claude is the better butler and I am the better person. Alois said. You smiled I couldn't choose between you two please don't make me come to that decision. You said. He put his hand on your shoulder I won't. He said and looked into your eyes. I love you. You both said in unison. Your highness Earl Phantomhive is here. Claude said. Okay. Alois said. Let's go. He said. You walked next to Alois scared of what will happen to the both of them. F/N. Ciel said. Ciel. You said. Eventually it was decided that Alois, Ciel and I will stay in doors and the servants will stay on the chess table and we will see who wins. Ciel how have you been? You asked. I have been fine. He said. You have been distant the moment I got married. You said. He flinched when you said that he obviously didn't like the way it sounds. I have not. He said. Yes you have and it's not right I'm your sister. You said. I'm sorry. He said. I just don't agree with your decision. He said. Ciel you may be my brother but you can't make my decisions. You said. He looked down. We watched the servants fight. But Sebastian kept taking them down with silver utensils. How is Sebastian winning? You thought. He can't be the superior can he? You kept thinking. F/N can you go to the kitchen to get us something to drink? Alois asked. Okay I am quite parched myself. You admitted. You went to the kitchen to get tea but you overheard something. What is that? You thought. They can't be fighting. You whispered and ran to see them sword fighting. You didn't know what to do. You were scared but you had to act fast. Before you knew it you grabbed a sword and jumped between them. Ciel stop! You yelled. Get out of the way! He yelled and pushed you back and he hurt Alois in his stomach. Alois! You yelled and lunged for Ciel. They say the thing you love the most is what you value to protect and I value to protect my husband! You yelled as you pinned Ciel down. Claude and Sebastian walked in with shocked eyes and Claude pulled Ciel away. You ran over to Alois. Alois. You cried. You will get better trust me. You said with tears in your eyes. He's pathetic. Ciel said. Alois passed out. No he is not. You said and grabbed a sword. You did this to him and you will pay brother! You yelled and lunged for him. F/N do you truly think he is worth losing your life? He questioned. I do I love him with all my heart and Claude help Alois! You yelled and you smacked Ciel which caused him to be shocked. F/N. he said. You should leave. You said and walked over to Alois.

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