Child/Children's first Words/ He gets 😡Mad😡

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Ciel Phantomhive-
First Word- You were rocking Vincent and D/N trying to get them to talk.
"See here is a dog, a mouse and a cat." You said.
"A cat where!?"Ciel yelled.
"In this book." You said.
"Book." Vincent said.
"Daddy." D/N said happily.
"They spoke they said their first word!" You cheered.
"I'm so proud of you both ." Ciel said and kissed the twins forehead.
"I'm proud of our children too." You said with a bright smile.
He's mad-
"F/N get in here right this instant!" Ciel hollered.
"Uh oh." You said with a worried expression.
"Now!" Ciel yelled.
You walked in and you saw the young lord furious.
"Why are you mad?" You asked.
"Mad?? Mad?? Mad????! I'm furious!!!." Ciel yelled.
"Okay well why?" You asked.
"I'm so stressed." He said.
You sighed and walked over to him and hugged him.
"It's going to be okay I'll do half of your work." You said.
"Thank you F/N." Ciel said and kissed you.
"Anytime." You said.

First Word-
"James say Mommy." You said.
"Don't force him to speak." Sebastian said.
"I'm not I'm just trying to help him say mommy." You said.
Sebastian chuckled. "Yes I suppose you are but I already got him to say his first word." Sebastian said and held up an apple.
"Apple." James said.
"Ugh you beat me again." You said.
"Well I am simply a great father." Sebastian said.
"Shush it." You said.
He gets mad
You kept spilling things all over the manor.
"What's wrong with you?" Sebastian asked.
"Nothing." You said.
Then you spilled it right before a noble walked in.
"Oops." You said.
"F/N what's wrong with you?! There is a noble coming and you keep spilling things!!" Sebastian yelled.
You ran to your room and you heard him sigh.
"I'll let him cool off." You thought.

Alois Trancy-
First Words-
"Adelia Luka say mommy." You said in a baby voice.
"Say daddy." Alois said in a baby voice.
"Mommy." You said.
"Daddy." Alois said.
"Mommy." You said.
"Daddy." Alois said.
"Mommy." Luka said.
"Daddy." Adelia said.
"Daddy's little girl and mommy's little boy." Alois said with a smile and picked up Adelia and you picked up Luka.
"I love you Adelia and Luka." You said. "I love you to Adelia and Luka." Alois said.
"What about me?" You asked.
"I love you F/N." Alois said.
"I love you too." You said.
He gets mad
You and Alois were having a little argument.
"No I want to go." You said.
"You won't be back in time." Alois said.
"Yes I will." You said.
"Then let me go to." Alois said.
"No." You said.
"Why not?" Alois asked.
"Because." You said.
"Because..." Alois asked.
"Because you can't." You said.
"Fine I won't go but you aren't going to!" Alois yelled and stormed away.
You sighed and you went to find him and you hugged him.
"Don't cry you will make me cry." You said.
"I don't want to lose you." He said.
"You can come as long as you don't get mad then sad again." You said.
"Deal." He said and kissed your cheek.

First Word-
Claude was watching D/N and trying to get her to speak.
"Say daddy." Claude said.
No words.
"Say daddy." Claude said.
No words
"Say daddy." Claude said.
No words.
Claude sighed.
"Daddy." D/N said.
"You said it." Claude said happily.
"F/N she said daddy." Claude said happily running to you.
"Yes I know." You said with a smile.
He gets mad
"Alois is so annoying!" Claude yelled.
"You are really mad." You said.
"Obviously." He said.
"He wants me to go on a trip and leave you." Claude said.
"I'll talk to him." You said.
"Thank you." Claude said.

Grell- First word- You and Grell were watching Alice because it was the day off.
"Say mama." You said.
"Say daddy." Grell said. You smiled at Alice trying to mimic your words.
"Ma-ma dad-dy." Alice said with broken words.
"She said daddy!" Grell cheered and spun Alice.
"Yes she did." You said with a bright smile.
He gets mad
Grell was back from work and you can see from his face that he was mad.
"Hey Grell are you mad?" You asked.
"No." He said.
You stared at him.
"What!?" He yelled.
"Nothing." You said and walked away.
"Find me when your not mad." You said.

First word- You and Finny were watching Sephia and D/N.
"When will they say their first word?" Finny asked.
"In due time." You said.
"Mama." Sephia said. "Dada." D/N said.
"They said their first word!" Finny cheered with a bright smile on his face.
"They did! You said excitedly.
You and Finny picked up your kids and hugged them.
He gets mad: You were trying to help Finny work but you were kinda failing.
"No over here." Finny said.
"Sorry." You said.
"Wrong way F/N." Finny said slightly irritated.
"No F/N wrong way!" Finny yelled.
"Im sorry." You said.
"No I'm sorry." Finny said and hugged you.

Hi everyone how do you like the new style? Should I keep it or go back to my old style?

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