He Pulls a Prank on You

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Ciel Phantomhive- He planned a prank to get you back from your prank on him.  (Ciel's POV)
Sebastian is it mean to pull a prank on F/N? I asked. It is for fun but don't pull a severe one. He said. How about I finally completed the pact and got what I wanted and you get to eat my soul. I said. Okay but don't go to far. He warned. I won't. I said. I ran to F/N's room and opened it with pretend sadness on my eyes. F/N...  I said. What's wrong Ciel? She asked. I finished my contact with Sebastian. I said. What happens after? She asked. He takes my soul. I said. No... this can't be. She said with tears in her eyes. Young Master it is time. Sebastian said when he walked in. Sebastian No! She yelled. Take me instead a life without Ciel isn't a life worth living. She said crying. I'm sorry Lady F/N truly I am but it's a part of the contract. Sebastian said looking down. Don't you care for him? She asked. I do he is my Young Master but a deal is a deal. He said and walked over to me. No no no this can't be happening this is all a dream I'll wake up eventually please let it be a dream. She cried. Sebastian touched me and acted like he took my soul and I collapsed and played dead. I'm sorry F/N. Sebastian said and left. No! This can't be! She screamed. I- I love you Ciel with all my heart no matter what I will always love you. She cried and hugged me. I laughed. C-Ciel. She began. How are you alive? She asked perplexed. It was all a prank and I guess I know how you would react if I did get my soul taken. I said. She lightly hit me. Ciel you scared me half to death. She said. I know and I'm sorry. I said. No your not. She said. Yes I am with all my heart. I said and hugged her.

Sebastian- Sebastian POV
Sebastian you could pretend to quit your job. Mey Rin said. I will do that. I said. I got Ciel's permission and we staged it when she came in. Ciel you are a terrible Master! I yelled which caused F/N eyes to widen. I quit! I yelled. Well goodbye no one needs you anyway! Ciel yelled back. Sebastian you can't quit! F/N yelled. I can and I will Alois Trancy already offered me a job. I said.  You can't quit! She yelled again. Let him be F/N he's not worth it. Ciel said. Ciel you don't mean that. She said. I laughed. What's so funny? She asked. It was all a prank my dear. I said. Bassy don't scare me like that again. She said.

Alois Trancy- Alois's POV
Claude can you forge a letter that says Ciel has come in debt. I asked. Yes your highness. Claude said. I made Claude forge the letter and ran to F/N's room. F/N a letter from Ciel. I said and opened the door. I handed her the letter and as she read it her eyes widened. Ciel has gone in debt and has no money! She yelled. How did this happen? She asked. I need to help him. She said and ran to pack her bags. F/N it's a prank. I said. What?! She yelled. It's a prank. I repeated. She sighed in relief. I should of guessed it how did Ciel go in debt. She said. It was well set it. I said and hugged her.

Claude- Claude's POV
We should prank F/N with you taking my soul. Alois said. Okay Your Highness. I said. Claude! F/N yelled. Her eyes widened at the sight. What happened?! She yelled. Mine and Alois's deal is done and that it what was left. I said calmly. No my best friend is dead. She said. I nodded. I'm sorry but we signed a contract. I said. I'm so sorry Alois I should of made your life better. She said with sympathy. It's okay. I said and hugged her. Oh F/N we got you good. Alois said and smiled. Your alive? She questioned. It was a prank so we could get back at you for your prank on Claude. Alois said. Claude you pranked me? She asked. I most certainly did. I said and hugged her.

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