Alois Wedding Day

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It was finally your wedding day and Hana was getting you ready

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It was finally your wedding day and Hana was getting you ready. You look gorgeous Lady F/N. Hana said. Thank you. You said.  Are you excited to be Mrs Trancy and not Miss Phantomhive? Hana asked. I'll always be a Phantomhive but I am very excited to share the same last name as someone I love and my only love. You said. Well spoken Lady F/N. Hana said. Let's just touch up your makeup and put an accessory in your hair. Hana said. You loved your dress and the servants who worked their and you are excited to see Alois. I wonder if Alois is happy. You said. He is most certainly happy ecstatic even. Hana said. Claude is probably getting him ready. Hana added. And he is probably giving him a hard time. You said and giggled. Hana can we be friends? You asked. Most certainly Lady F/N. Hana said. Just F/N when we are alone. You said. Okay F/N. Hana said. Ciel is probably here and so is Lizzie. You said. He probably is even though they are rivals. Hana said. True. You said. All done. She said. And just in time. She said handing you your bouquet. You heard the music start to play. You held the bouquet in your hands and walked to the ball room. You looked around and saw nobles from everywhere and you saw Ciel and Lizzie with Sebastian. You saw Alois in his suit. You walked to the front and stood in front of Alois. You look absolutely gorgeous. He said smiling. You look absolutely handsome. You said smiling. If anyone objects please say it now or forever hold your peace. The pastor said. You saw Ciel sigh and you smiled. He approved. You thought. Do you Alois Trancy take F/N Phantomhive to be your lawfully wedded wife? The pastor asked. I do. Alois said and smiled. Do you F/N Phantomhive take Alois Trancy to be your lawfully wedded husband? He asked. I do. You said. With this ring I be wed. Alois said and slipped the ring on your finger. With this ring I be wed. You said and put the ring on his finger. I pronounce you man and wife you may now kiss the bride. The pastor said. Alois kissed you and you kissed back in a heart beat. Everyone cheered. Well my little sister married a Trancy. Ciel said. Your an adorable couple. Lizzie said. Thank you Lizzie I can't wait for yours and Ciel's  wedding. You said with a smirk. Are you happy Ciel? Alois asked. As long as F/N is happy I am and if you break her heart you won't like it. Ciel said glaring at Alois. I would never I love F/N more than I love anything in the world. He said and kissed your cheek. I love Alois more than the world itself. You said. Lizzie gushed and Ciel had no words. Let's go have our first dance. Alois said. You both smiled and walked to have your first dance.

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