He realizes you are kidnapped

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Ciel Phantomhive- (Ciel's POV)
F/N I'm home! I yelled. Where is she? I asked. Usually she comes when she hears you or sees you Young Master. Sebastian said. Something is amiss. I said. I began walking around the Manor. F/N! I yelled while I was looking around. The only place I haven't checked is the study. I said. I felt my heart race and I was getting scared. F/N! I yelled. You better be in my study! I yelled. I started to run to my study and I slammed the door open. F/N! I yelled. I saw the window broken. F/N she is gone. I said. Young Master lady F/N has been kidnapped. Sebastian said. I fell to the ground. I need to find her. I said and I started to cry. I'll prepare a ride right away. Sebastian said and ran out. F/N I'm going to find you just stay safe. I mumbled and cried more.

Sebastian- (Sebastian POV)
Where is F/N? I asked. I don't know. Mey Rin said. If something happened to her. I started but I ran away. Something isn't right. I said. Wait Sebastian! Mey Rin yelled. What is it? I asked. I know what happened to F/N. Mey Rin said. Where is she? I asked. She was kidnapped. Mey Rin said and looked down. What?! I yelled. Yes, she was kidnapped I'm sorry for not telling you. Mey Rin said. It's okay but I need to go get her. I said.

Alois Trancy- (Alois POV)
Claude did F/N get to the Phantomhive Manor safely? I asked. I received word that she didn't make it. Claude said. What!? I yelled. Let's go Claude. I said. We went to the carriage and we traveled the same route she should of went. I opened the carriage door and walked out. Your highness what's wrong? Claude asked. We are going to walk that path look I see something burning. I said pointing. F/N! I yelled and ran to the fire. The carriage she should of went in is burning! I yelled. I'll go in. Claude said. F/N please be safe! I cried. Claude came out. She isn't in there. He said. What does that mean? I asked. She was kidnapped. Claude said. F/N! I cried. That means we need to save her and quickly. I said. She should be with the worst group that's close by. Claude said. That means. I started to say and he nodded. I'm coming F/N. I said.

Claude- (Claude's POV)
Claude! I heard someone shout. Wait isn't that F/N's first. I thought. I got worried and I ran to the direction of the sound. I got outside and I looked around. I vaguely saw a man with F/N. F/N! I yelled. Oh no she has been kidnapped. I thought. I ran to tell Alois. Your Highness F/N has been kidnapped. I informed him. What?! He yelled confused. We need to find her. He added quickly. Claude go find F/N and don't return without her. Alois ordered. Yes your highness. I said and ran to find F/N.

Grell- (Grell's POV)
I got to the palace a little later than usual. F/N! I yelled. I looked around her room and I couldn't find her. Where is she? I mumbled. I looked around for a note anywhere in her room. I looked at the door and  I found a note.
It read
" If you want to get the princess back then you need to find her before it's to late. She is being kept in a secret location in the woods. " Well it's not so secret now. I mumbled. I grabbed the note. F/N I'm going to save you! I yelled and I ran out.

Finny- (Finny's POV)
Finally finished. I said proudly. I saw F/N come out here I wonder where she is. I thought. I walked to the table with the chair pushed out. So she was here. I thought. I walked in side and I noticed tea and candy. I saw at the bottom of the tea that the water didn't dry. Then it struck me. Oh no! I yelled. What is it Finny?! Baldroy asked. Finny what is it? Mey Rin asked. Speak! Ciel yelled. Lizzie had a worried expression. Finny what is it? Sebastian asked. F/N.... has been kidnapped! I yelled. What!? Everyone yelled. Look at the bottom of the glass someone put something her tea then abducted her! I yelled. Sebastian looked at it with wide eyes. She has been kidnapped! Sebastian yelled. No! Lizzie yelled crying. She will be alright we just need to find her any idea where she will be? Ciel asked. If you look at this tea the numbers 7 4 6 has been imprinted here so it would be the old building. Sebastian said. I'm going to find her. I said. I'm going to. Lizzie said. Lizzie you are not going. Ciel said. No I am going Ciel and I'm going with Finny so come if you wish but I'm going and that's a fact. She said with her foot down. Mey Rin Baldroy watch the manor. Ciel said. Finny, Sebastian, Lizzie, and I are going to find F/N. Ciel said. Come. Ciel said.

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