Modern First Day at School

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Ciel Phantomhive- You were attending school and you were dressed in your favorite F/C dress with matching shoes with your F/C backpack. You had your schedule in your hand and you were looking for your boyfriend. Lizzie have you seen Ciel? You asked the blonde girl. He's over there. Lizzie said pointing. Thanks. You said. Ciel! You yelled. Ciel looked over to you and smiled and he ran to you. F/N! He said happily. Ciel it's the first day are you excited? You asked. Studying and working. Ciel said. You giggled. It's not that bad. You said. The bell rang. Bye Ciel you said and kissed his cheek.

Sebastian- You were looking for Sebastian in the morning but you couldn't find him. He better be in class. You thought. You walked to class just getting in before the bell rang and you didn't see Sebastian. Ughhh! You thought. You sat down in the third row and you saw Sebastian walk through the door. Sebastian. You said. Yes yes I'm late sue me. Sebastian said with a smirk. As the teacher was turning his head you grabbed Sebastian and kissed him. Don't let it happen again. You warned.

Alois Trancy- It was gym class and you didn't like the class very much but Alois was in it so you didn't mind to much. F/N come play with me. Alois said. You smiled and you two went off. Ciel,Lizzie and Sebastian against Alois Claude and I. You said. Break. You added. You guys were playing hand ball which was kinda odd but you didn't mind it was kinda like the frisbee game you would play but with a ball. You had the ball and Sebastian was blocking you. You passed the ball to Alois and you ran farther than Claude. Alois threw it to Claude and Claude threw it to you and Alois ran and you threw it to him earning your team a point. Yay. You cheered. Aww. Lizzie said. We will get you next time. Ciel said. You ran to Alois and tackled him. We won. You said and kissed him. That we did. Alois said.

Claude- You were in class sitting next to the love of your life. Hey F/N. Claude said. Yes Claude? You asked. Come here. He said. He kissed your cheek quickly. Okay class share your name and one thing you love. The teacher said. It went around the class and then landed on Claude. My name is Claude and I love my girlfriend F/N. He said and kissed your hand. You stood up. Hi I'm F/N and I absolutely love my boyfriend Claude. You said. How sweet. The teacher said.

Grell- It was theatre class and you were sitting with Grell talking. I love this class already. Grell said. You are dramatic. You teased. Yes and I love you. He said. You smiled and blushed. Okay class perform how you feel right now partner up. The teacher said. You and Grell partnered. You two come up. The teacher said. You and Grell walked up. Grell walked over to you and kissed you and you kissed back. Okay. The teacher said. You saw everyone's expression and their eyes were wide. What it's how we feel. You and Grell said with a laugh.

Finny- You and Finny were sitting together at lunch with a couple of people like Mey Rin and Baldroy. Stop teasing Finny. You said. No harm is done. Baldroy said. It's okay Finny. You said. I know F/N I don't mind the teasing. He said. You changed  a lot. You said and kissed his cheek. I'm manly. He said. I know you are. You said. You hugged Finny. I love you F/N. Finny said. You blushed. I love you too. You said. See now there is the I love you. Baldroy said. Such a couple couple if I do say so myself. Mey Rin said.

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