You Fight and Break Up

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Ciel Phantomhive- Why won't you let me go?! You yelled at Ciel. Because you can't! He yelled backed. Why not?! You yelled. Your a female F/N! He yelled at you. Your a stupid servant who no one will ever like your a terrible person and no one will ever care about you! He yelled at you in front of Sebastian, Finny, Baldroy and Mey Rin. Tears filled your eyes and shocked filled Sebastian and the servants faces. We are over! You yelled crying.

Sebastian- You never spend time with me. You told Sebastian. I'm a busy person. He said. You always hang out with Finny. Sebastian said. Are you saying I'm cheating? You asked shocked. Yes I am. He said glaring. You always hang out with other maids and nuns! You yelled. You know what you cheated before. You said. When? He asked. The nun need I remind you! You yelled at him. How do you know? He asked. Things get around. You said. You are a terrible cheater. You added. We are over! You yelled at him and walked off.

Alois Trancy-  F/N! Alois yelled. Yes Alois? You asked. He slapped you. You fell to the ground. Why did you leave? He asked. Are you crazy?! You yelled at him. You left me! He yelled. I never left you psycho! You screamed at him. I can't believe you! You added. I'm leaving. You yelled at him. You got up and walked to your room limping.

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