April Fool's Prank

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Ciel Phantomhive- Today was April Fool's Day and you knew Ciel was going to be busy but you wanted to prank him. So you were  going to run away and never come back. You packed your bags and wrote a note about you running away.  You slowly opened the door to get out of the Phantomhive Manor. You ran behind a bush and hid there waiting for Ciel.
Ciel POV
Sebastian where is F/N? I asked. She left a note young master. He said and handed me the note. It read " Ciel I'm so sorry but I can't deal with this anymore I'm running away I will always love you goodbye Ciel love F/N". She left me. I barely got out I felt a tear roll down my cheek. This can't be. I said. Sebastian grab me my clothes we have to find her. I ordered. I got dressed and walked out the door. Boooo! I heard someone yell and jump out. April Fool's! I saw F/N say and hug me. Really F/N this was just a prank. I said. She nodded and smiled. I love you don't do anything like that again. I said and kissed her cheek.

Sebastian- You were going to do an April Fool's prank on Sebastian that there is no food left. F/N we have to make food for the young master. Sebastian said. Someone broke into the house and stole it. You said. There's no food left. He said with wide eyes. What are you going to do? You asked. He smirked. F/N I know you're pranking me. He said with a smirk. You got pale. Why do you say that? You said nervously. Well there is no broken window or anything your just hiding the food aren't you. He said and looked at you. Yes. You admitted. Well Happy April Fool's Day. He said. Yeah right. You grumbled.

Alois Trancy- You and Ciel have been planning a prank where Sebastian abducts you in front of Alois. You were in the ballroom with Alois and you were waiting for Sebastian. You heard a window break and with a second left you were being held by Sebastian. No! Alois yelled and tried to pull you out of Sebastian's grip. Don't take my F/N from me! He yelled. Claude! He yelled. Claude came and saw Alois fighting Sebastian. You stated to laugh and Sebastian put you down. April Fools! You yelled and Sebastian left. I'm so relieved it was just a prank. He said. You two laughed together.

Claude- You were going to do I'm cheating prank on Claude and see his reaction.  Alois want to do I'm cheating prank on Claude? You asked. That would be fun. Alois said. Okay. You said. Alois pretended to kiss you and Claude walked in wide eyed. F/N. Claude said. Claude. You said. She loves me now. Alois said. I know it's a prank. He said. How? Alois asked. You just admitted it. Claude sighed. You glared at Alois. April Fools. You said and smiled.

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