A person jealous devises a plan to get you two break up

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Ciel Phantomhive- Despite what Lizzie was saying about how she wasn't jealous she was and she knew it and so did you and Ciel but you never expected her to go this far. You were walking down the stairs at night and you overheard Lizzie and her maid talking. Yes young lady. You heard her say. Make sure F/N leaves. Lizzie said. You quickly walked up stairs and hid under your covers and waited for morning. F/N it's time to get up. Ciel yawned. Ciel I'm scared. You said. Why? He asked concerned. Lizzie wants to get rid of me. You said. I knew something was wrong with her. Ciel said. Come we will get this correct. He said. We walked to Lizzie. Oh Ciel. Lizzie said. Why do you want to get rid of F/N? Ciel asked. What do you mean? She lied. You are a terrible liar. You and Ciel said in unison. Ugh fine I admit it I want F/N away from you. She said and looked down. I'm sorry F/N. I just love Ciel so much. Lizzie said. Well you need to go Elizabeth. Ciel said. Please don't do this. She begged. No leave. Ciel ordered.

Sebastian- You were friends with Mey Rin but you knew she liked Sebastian. F/N can you leave and never come back? She asked. No why? You asked. I love Sebastian and I won't stop until I get him. Mey Rin admitted. You were shocked. Well I love Sebastian he is MY soulmate. You said raising your voice. Fight me. You said and glared at her. You are a terrible person I love him. Mey Rin said. I don't care I love him more than life I would gladly take my life for him. You said. And I would gladly give my life for F/N. Sebastian said. Sebastian did you hear any of that? Mey Rin asked. All of it and I love F/N. Sebastian said and left a broken hearted Mey Rin.

Alois Trancy- You received a lot of hate when you were dating Alois because people wanted his money and title. You loved him for him.  One day you two were walking around and a noble stopped you two. Why you?! She yelled. I love Alois and you probably want his money! She screamed. Not true. You said. I love Alois more than life and he has my heart no matter what. You said. You have my heart too F/N. Alois said and hugged you and the noble started crying.

Claude- You knew Claude liked Hana once but she didn't like him at the time. Now she does and she wants you out of the picture. Leave Claude. You heard Hana say to you. What? You said. You heard me. She said. Or else. She said smirking. I love Claude  and when he liked you you didn't like him you had your chance now he loves me. You said. She had a shocked expression. Hana leave F/N alone I don't like you anymore and I love F/N. Claude said and kissed your cheeked and Hana rolled her eyes.

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