Forget Me Not Sebastian x Reader

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You were in an accident and you were unconscious. Sebastian remembered one thing you said "if I ever forget my memories let me go". You were up and Sebastian, Ciel and the servants came to see you. F/N. Sebastian said. Who? You asked. She doesn't remember. Mey Rin said. You looked confused at all of them. F/N I'm Ciel this is Mey Rin, Finny, Baldroy and Sebastian. The boy with the eyepatch said. So, I'm F/N. You said. They nodded. I'm sorry I just don't remember anything.You said. You are a maid a great one. Finny said. You noticed the black haired male look away hurt. Do you want to go to the manor? Ciel asked. Yes. You said. You went back to the manor and you were assigned to a bedroom. You sat on the bed staring at everything trying to get a memory.

You walked downstairs and you saw the girl. Mey Rin right? You asked. Yes. She said. You smiled. Let me help you. You said and you took a plate and put it on the counter. Thank you. Mey Rin said. You smiled again and you walked and you bumped into someone. You looked up and saw Sebastian. I'm sorry. You said. It's fine. He said. You walked and you saw Finny and you smiled at him and he smiled back. F/N can I tell you something? Finny asked. Yes. You said. When you had your memories I had a crush on you and I still do. Finny said. You smiled at him and hugged him.
Sebastian's POV
I saw Finny and F/N. I was hurt but I couldn't be at the same time. I thought. I wanted to let her have a happy normal life and I knew she would if she was with Finny. I thought. Forget me not. I thought. Forget me not F/N. I sighed.
I will never forget you so please remember me eventually. I thought. It's for the best. Mey Rin said.  She's happy. She added. I sighed. Yeah she is and I'm happy for her. Sebastian said.
Your POV
  You were happy with Finny but you wanted your memories. Sebastian stayed away from you. You thought it was because of your past with him. One day you discovered a note on your bed. What's this. You thought. You picked up the note and it read. "Forget me not F/N". You stared at the note. Maybe I'll get my memories back but I'm happy with Finny. You mumbled. You ripped up the note and threw it away.
Unknown to you Sebastian watched you and he felt a piece of his break.  You forgot  about me. He thought. He smiled. I'm glad your happy F/N but I won't forget you. He whispered.

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