I don't Know! Ciel x Reader

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You were irritate at Ciel and it was your date.
"Are you mad?" Ciel asked.
"No." You said.
"You sound mad." Ciel said.
"I'm not mad." You said slightly annoyed.
You looked around to find a way out of this conversation.
"Why are you mad?" Ciel asked.
You slammed your hand on a desk.
"Want to know why I'm mad?" You asked angry.
"You always work." You stated.
"I work to support us." Ciel said defensive.
"You always work and you never have time and you always forget and you don't pay attention!" You yelled hurt.
"When don't I pay attention?" Ciel asked.
"Today is our anniversary you forgot yesterday was my birthday you forgot, you forgot my first meeting with the queen and you weren't there to support me!" You yelled hurt.
Ciel's eyes widened.
"You know I love you." Ciel said.
"I don't know Ciel!" You yelled.
"I don't know where I stand with you you try to hide everything and you never admit when you are mad so I can help you. I never know where I stand with you! It's always what you want and when you get this way it's annoying and irritating because I love you and I never know if you feel the same if you did you wouldn't act this way you would just TELL me for once in your life is that so hard!? Ciel yelled with tears in his eyes.
"Yes it is because I'm lonely I shouldn't be that way Ciel I love you I always will but you never seem to care at all." You said trying not to cry.
"I do care! I love you!" Ciel yelled.
"I didn't know and I still don't you haven't showed you care in forever." You said.
Ciel turned away.
"I don't know why your acting like this." Ciel said.
"It's obvious I love you Ciel and I want to be loved by YOU not anyone else but you never show it and you act cold." You said in tears.
"I never will know how you actually feel you keep it hidden if I actually mattered to you you wouldn't of forgot my birthday and our anniversary and you would of supported me with the Queen's meeting." You said.
"You wouldn't of ridiculed me about stuttering when I was nervous talking to that noble." You added.
Ciel stayed quiet.
"I don't know." You said.
"I love you Ciel but I don't know if you love me." You said in tears.
"I do!" Ciel yelled angry.
"I don't know!" You yelled crying and you ran out.
"I do love you F/N." Ciel mumbled in tears clutching a box with a red bow on it.

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