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How you met- You were Alois's best friend and you decided to spend a couple months with him. You were in the carriage waiting to be at the Trancy Manor. You finally arrived and a butler opened the door and you walked out. F/N! Alois yelled and hugged you. Alois! You cheered and hugged back. This is my butler Claude. Alois said. You saw the butler and blushed. It is nice to meet you Lady F/N. He said. It is nice to meet you to. You said.

Getting to know each other- Claude. You said when you saw the handsome butler. Yes Lady F/N? He asked. Do you like working for Alois? You asked. He is my master. He said. Do you like the other workers? You asked. They are alright. He said. Do you love someone? You asked. He blushed. Why would I? He asked. I don't know I just thought you would. You said. You are distracting me from my work. He said finishing preparing the table. You sighed. I just like talking to you. You said a little gloomy. He sighed. Fine you can talk but only for a couple more minutes. He said.

He learns he has feelings for you- (Claude's POV)
I keep thinking about F/N lately. But she is Alois's best friend and a noble. I think I have feelings for her. Yet I know it can't be I am a butler she is a noble. I wonder if she likes me. I will tell her even if I know I'll be rejected.

You learn you have feelings for him-
I think I like Claude. I don't care about the social status. I think he does though so even if he does have feelings for me he won't except them. But should I care I like him and if he likes me he should just except them. I usually talk to him in the morning before Alois wakes up and when he is setting the table. I'll tell him then. You thought.

He tells you how he feels- It was the next day. Claude! You called. Oh F/N. He said. Are you not happy to see me? You asked a little sad. No I am. He said. You smiled. Good because I have to tell you something. You said. Lady F/N I have to tell you something too. He said. You go first. You said. Okay well F/N I like you and I have developed feelings for you and I know we have different social classes and your a noble and I'm a butler but I like you and you probably don't like me but I had to tell you. He said blushing. Claude I like you too. You said happily and blushing. He smiled and hugged you.

First Kiss- You were in your room getting ready. You heard a knock on your door. Come in. You said. You look lovely today F/N. Claude said. Don't I look lovely everyday. You said with a giggle. Yes, you do look lovely everyday. He said with a small smile. He held your hands and kissed your lips while you were sitting on your bed. He smirked and left leaving a cup of tea. You look shocked and blushed then smiled and drank your tea remembering your first kiss with Claude.

You go to a ball together- Alois was throwing a ball. Who are you inviting to the ball? You asked. Every noble. He said. So, how's dating Claude? He asked. It's good. You said. You two should dance at the ball. Alois said. I may. You said. It was ball time and you wore a black dress with flats and with a black flower. You walked to the ball room. You found Claude and talked to Claude. Claude are you going to dance? You asked. With who? He asked with a smirk. With me. You said and pouted. Of course I'll dance with you. He said and kissed your cheek. You better. You said. He chuckled. You walked around waiting for a slow song. A slow song started to play and you felt a tap on your shoulder. Would you like to dance? Claude asked. I would love to. You said. You and Claude danced and you felt more loved than anytime before.

His thoughts on you (Claude's POV)
F/N is the most beautiful and fun girl ever. I am so glad to call her my girlfriend. I love her more than ever and I actually feel happy. She can be feisty and a little pouty but most of the time she is the nicest and sweetest person ever and not bossy like her best friend. She is my little princess.

You fight and break up- There has been minor fighting between you and Claude. You never listen! You yelled. You always complain! He yelled back. I saw you looking at other girls at the ball. You said. He looked shocked. Do you want them and not me? You asked getting mad. Maybe I do! He yelled. You flinched and tears started filling your eyes. Then have them we are over! You yelled.

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